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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. Sorry to bother everyone After I applied for the position, they responded that there were too few activities on my official Discord, and I couldn't find this official Discord. Where should I find this? Please help me
  2. Thank you for sending out this forum for our discussion I don't think this suggestion is very good. Perhaps it will increase the workload of the creator and find a large number of translators to provide this translation function. This is just my personal opinion
  3. Thank you for the insight!
  4. I don't think recording in the game is very useful. There are many video recording software now, and even graphics cards have the function of recording
  5. Thanks man, what a wonderful tutorial, really helpful
  6. reat logo and looks beautiful!!
  7. OnIy


    Promods服务器刚开始可能会有些崩溃应该是很正常的,后面应该会修复这些崩溃什么 It should be normal for the Promods server to experience some crashes at the beginning, but they should be fixed later. What about these crashes 如果装了中东或者草原mod删除试试 If you have installed Middle East or Grassland mods, try deleting them
  8. This idea is not very good. Players like to have fun together and there must be illegal activities happening, but raising the price is not a good thing. The above is my personal opinion
  9. It's a very useful report! Thank you to the behind the scenes team! thank you
  10. The online mode of ETS2 is also unclear, and it's pitch black in the early morning
  11. Thank you so much for the information, this is great news.
  12. Thank you for your attention

  13. Hello trucker. Some players will not follow those rules when running, and they will treat them as if there are no stopping cards where they are
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