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Veteran Driver IV
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About Jofu

  • Birthday June 2

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  • Preferred Trucks
    Western Star
  • American Garage Location
    Colorado: Lamar
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam
  • Known languages
    Dutch, English, German

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  1. I'm sorry, but at it's smallest it still takes up way too much screen.. Please make it smaller again!!
  2. Followed you back!

  3. Support for the all new Western Star 49X added, yet the CB for the LHD Volvo Sleeper Cab is STILL broken.. Howcome you can add a new CB location on a new truck but not fix a missing file?
  4. Saw a small TMP update, was excited to finally get back into my Sleeper Cab.. Twas but a lie...
  5. Is it? It still crashes for me on the FH 2012 saying the CB is missing.
  6. Can you manually instert those files, like you do with mods? If so, is it possible to send it over?
  7. Engine restart sound bug on ETS2 seems to have vanished now? But the Volvo still need the missing CB fixed. It strikes my kinda odd, that the RHD version is fine, yet the LHD version is broken.. It's in the same spot?
  8. This hotfix made the sounds even worse for me. Whenever there is 3 others on your "tab" menu besides you, all sounds like road/tire noise, GPS Voice, Horns, Crash sounds and menu sounds dissapear.
  9. So far I've noticed a few things with the TMP update: - Sounds cut off earlier, menu sounds, GPS, Horns and Reverse signal - Reverse signal sound is still the old sound, which is different in SP - Animation for the reverse light coming on and off is also different from SP It's probably unavoidable or done with reasoning behind it, but it's just what I've noticed
  10. Is it me, or am I missing a step? I don't see any differences..
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