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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About fr4q

  • Birthday 04/18/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Scania, Trucking, Techno DJing (Drumcode Style),
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages
    German, English

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  1. Happy birthday! 🥳

  2. Happy birthday ! :HaulieLove:

  3. Happy Birthday 🤗

  4. Happy birthday!  🥳

  5. Happy Birthday ??

  6. Weird it wont let me login... Invallid Email or Passwort... Impossible i just changed my password and ofc never used any other email account hmmm

    1. Gun Powder

      Gun Powder

      Try copying your data in a notebook and headers at the start.

    2. fr4q


      doesnt work for me

    3. DaCheat


      Try to reset your password using your e-mail adres that you used to sign up on TrukersMP if that does not work try to contact the support and they will resolve the issue for you.


      Good luck!

  7. hmm someone crashed into my  truck i was typing and hit f7 after xD thats days ago and now im banned untill 6 Aprl lol i did not block that long just because that someone drives to fast and cut my way ... feels not fair when ppl arrive that location of the crash and reporting for blocking just because no pathience lol and im waiting and waiting on a answerd !! :D ill take it easy but u know feels sad because i really didnt do anything :/


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      An admin once said that a picture isn't good enough proof for blocking so you have every reason to appeal and as a last resort contact [email protected]

    3. fr4q


      Danke Ampelmann^_^

    4. DerAmpelmann
  8. There was a Patch ? Michelin now supported ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fulgura


      ^ I'm using Michelin tyres now, isn't that mean now it is supported?

    3. Forraz


      My reply answers your question. The dev said Soon and no other announcement have been made.



      Same here.

    4. fr4q


      Allright i was just wondering because in the Launcher was a Update. Allright so its soon, sooner .... As allways ;)


      Save travels boys

  9. was so happy the update cames out after installing the update and starting ets2mp my game freezed so i had to restart pc and the result is i got a unrepairble system error and i had to format everything :S ....

    1. Sormadol


      omg :o Well im here trying to get in one of the servers but its all dooown 

    2. DJ_Artyom


      When i load up is just says " connecting to sever " and just doesn't.


  10. fr4q

    Renault T

    I remember a post of SCS they said it will be added in the future posted few month ago... still waiting on this Renault looks nice
  11. Where ever i go my game crashes =/

    1. Zuna


      DLC that all you got?

    2. fr4q


      i could play it 30min somehow then i logged off so guess im fine now ;)

  12. Jutn Tach fr4q.


    Ick bin der Alex. Komm ebenfalls aus Berlin. In Berlin-Friedrichshain bin ick jeboren, fallsde danach frachen tust.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metro322017


      Dit macht nischt. Hauptsache wir können "frei nach Schnauze" reden.



    3. fr4q
    4. Metro322017


      Du kannst mich gern über Steam adden unter


      [WKGL] DonnerExpress312015

      eine Freundschaftsanfrage schicken. ;)


      Ich bin auch auf dem TS-Server zu erreichen.


      waterkant.4np.de ist die Server-Adresse



  13. Got latest version ? there was a hotfix mayb thats the problem
  14. Im not sure if anyone else got the same issue,,, iam on the A7 direction Hamburg and when i get near Hamburg i get a Fatal Error... tried it 3 times no clue



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AndrewG


      The new trailer DLC is causing crashes when used in MP. There's most likely a player in that area using the DLC causing your game to crash.


    3. fr4q


      Thank´s for the info... :)



    4. solusvm EN/NL

      solusvm EN/NL

      wheres the admin?

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