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Burak Oyunda

Veteran Driver IV
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About Burak Oyunda

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  1. Hello everyone, I would like to propose an adjustment to the current speed limit system in Euro Truck Simulator 2, specifically aimed at improving gameplay dynamics and fostering a more competitive and enjoyable environment for all players. High-Traffic Areas (Calais-Duisburg Route) For areas with heavy traffic, such as the Calais-Duisburg route, the existing speed limit rules should remain in place. These limits ensure that players drive more cautiously and safely in these congested areas, making the driving experience smoother and more realistic. This approach will continue to help manage the heavy traffic and the challenges that come with it. Empty and Low-Traffic Areas However, in the less populated and open sections of the map, I propose that speed limits be removed. This change will allow for greater freedom and will encourage more competitive play, as players will be able to focus on performance, speed, and improving their vehicles. The desire to acquire better vehicles and complete deliveries faster will create a more dynamic, exciting, and balanced gameplay experience for those who seek that challenge. Fairness and Flexibility I understand that some players may feel that this new system is not in their best interest. However, the majority of the conditions in this system are fair. Players who do not wish to follow the simulation limits can still opt for alternative routes, giving them more freedom in choosing how they play. For those who enjoy a more realistic experience, SCS convoy sessions allow players to use mods to add even more simulation features, if they wish. This way, players can personalize their experience and not impose their preferences on others. Encouraging Exploration and Reducing Administrator Burden This system will also reduce the administrative burden on the Calais-Duisburg route and encourage players to explore more of the map. By making the roads less constrained in certain areas, players will be incentivized to take new routes and discover new places within the game, further enhancing the overall experience. In conclusion, by lifting speed limits in less dense areas, we create a more competitive and enjoyable environment, where players can enjoy both freedom and challenge. Let’s work together to ensure that everyone can have fun while keeping the game balanced and fair for all. Thank you for considering this proposal!
  2. While I support these issues, I would like to offer a different suggestion. I would like to propose removing speed limits in low-traffic areas of the map. Currently, a significant portion of the map is underutilized, while most players are concentrated in a small, high-density region. By lifting speed restrictions in less populated areas, players would be encouraged to explore these regions, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Benefits: Encourages Exploration: Players would be motivated to utilize the full map, spreading traffic more evenly. Increased Freedom: Removing restrictions in these areas would offer a more dynamic and enjoyable experience without impacting high-traffic zones. Maintains Order Where Needed: Speed limits can remain in high-density areas to ensure safety and traffic flow. I believe this change would contribute to a more engaging and balanced simulation experience.
  3. No project has ever been bad, TruckersMP has always thought of the best for the players. Sorry for not understanding the projects. I hope you succeed in your new assignment. Thanks For Everything. Kind regards..
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