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German Boy

Veteran Driver IV
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  1. but maybe it will fixed and will it come back then again?
  2. hi why is the physics mod removed its even not funny and realistic anymore :(
  3. Guest

    Why do you want the speed limit on the simulation server to be higher?

    The server is called "simulation" server. For faster driving there is the Arcade Server, why don't you play there.
    It is called Euro Truck "Simulator" 2 and not Euro Truck "Racing" 2

  4. Dear Admin, Hello again what I meant is that before the simulation server came the speedlimit was on 150km/h in the highway and in the city it was on 80km/h. Many players found it was better and they are right now angry that the speedlimit is on 110km/h. My proposition is that the players can vote for the speedlimit or not (110km/h or 150km/h) but I think you would not accept this but please admin it would be fair... Greeting German Boy
  5. Dear admins, I know there has long been a maximum of 110 km / h, but they just changed it without the players wanting it. It would make sense to vote on the general speed limit so that the players notice that they are part of this forum. I know they will reject it, but everyone wants it and got annoyed about it so I can only ask to accept it. thank you... Greetings German Boy
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