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Veteran Driver IX
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by v8Smokin

  1. Congratulations!! :D 

    1. legress


      Thank you a lot! <3

  2. Happy Birthday! :D 

  3. I get clear of my flu that I had for over 1 Month..

    Now I have a chest infection with the cough from my flu..

    When is it summer again?.. :lol:

  4. I'm going to hit up some ETS2MP today! :D 

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      happy trucking and drive safe :D 

    2. v8Smokin
  5. A late night finish at work :(
    I'm now shattered and the best thing is, I have to be up for work in 7 hours from now.

    1. IpilkAlaus


      That's just brutal. 

  6. As some people have been showing of there screenshots in Forza Horizon 4 recently, here's one of mine. ;)  Extreme & Ultra 4K - HDR + 60FPS @3840x2160. :wub:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. v8Smokin


      Thank you everyone! :D 

      That's what my Game looks like in the quality I run. No mods what so ever, just extreme & Ultra 4K - HDR + 60FPS @3840x2160.

  7. Congratulations mate! :D 

    1. Aestrial


      Thanks mate, appreciated! :D 

  8. Congratulations buddy! :D 

  9. Happy Birthday! :) bit late, sorry.

    1. ^Dominik^


      Thank you,sorry for my late answer 

  10. What has happened to my poor rep? :(

    Was on "306" and even did a Giveaway and now I'm on "278"...

    Even with my reactions received it doesn't match up: "285"


    1. Grundii


      I've asked here:


  11. Had some technical issues over the weekend. I'm now back and will contact those that I've missed out. :)

  12. What has happened to the LED light on the wheel arch... Shouldn't it be inline with the others? :o It's like this on the Official DLC Showcase image as well.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostprotocol[NL]


      o nvm this is the krone trailer right ?

    3. v8Smokin
    4. Ghostprotocol[NL]


      nvm then, for the standard trailer you have 2 options for those lights

  13. Hope you all like it. :D Got to have matching license plates! (Save edit).





  14. Superb work from the Developers like always! It was a horrible process having to wait, but it was well worth it.
  15. Scania mudflaps on trailer! :D 

    Just waiting for the modder to make them compatible with the krone trailers.



    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      wow nice photo and truck :wub: Ready for 1.32 :D 

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Looks great :wub: you'd prob want to check to make sure thats allowed tho as thats a truck part

  16. Now that I have a new truck, it's only right to update my profile picture. :P 



  17. New truck & photo edit in-game. :wub:

    Running 400+ FPS at MAX Game settings in Ultra 4K HDR @ 3840 x 2160.





    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      First picture looks great ;) 

    2. v8Smokin


      Thank you! :D Wanted to get a front and side view of the new rig.

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  18. Happy Birthday! :D 

  19. Community Competition! ;)  Pinned Topic.

    Everyone is welcome to enter this Competition! Requirements are provided within the Topic.

  20. Just hit 10,000 profile views! :D Only took me 4 years...

  21. I bet the 1.32 Support is ready... The Devs are just having fun watching us inpatient ones :troll:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest
    3. antrax737


      I bet that's the case. It's killing me to wait for so long, they shouldn't tease with post on twitter...

    4. tfmpillow


      I bet you're wrong :thisisfine:

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