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About Vaasan08

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  1. YES, my question has been answered.
  2. OH Okay...?then I'll just cancel my update...?? THANK YOU.
  3. I paused my game update at 80% since the update released and waiting to resume only after TruckersMP supports v3.17?.
  4. When will you release the updated TruckersMP MOD to support v1.37 of ETS2 ???
  5. I was playing the game via TruckersMP and then a dialogue box opened "game crashed send game.crash file to developers" my monitor screen turned black but was able hear the game sound then i quit the using task manager. This occurs only when using TMP. Please help!!! game.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SyWaVyWYZgNaGfjoSJcSojYLb_uuhnN7 game.crash: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YHQuCMLAPKLLSdzpGw1byjbbiN6NFthU
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