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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Emersom32k

  • Birthday 09/25/2003

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Mannheim
  • Known languages
    Brazilian Portuguese and English

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  1. The mod changes the rain and fog from this: https://imgur.com/a/qCoXwH0 to this: https://imgur.com/a/oz7dfrH this just look like a visual change, btw, does we have a chance to mods like that be allowed in future updates?
  2. is there a special reason to this mod don't work with the truckersmp or the multiplayer just don't work with mods? (apart from the mods that you said)
  3. Sorry if i'm asking a stupid question, but Is that mod allowed? it changes the game wheather, here is a link: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=166418
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