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Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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About ammor95

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  1. The problem has been resolved Thank you
  2. Problem playing a game
  3. Thank you the problem was solved by -Launch Euro Truck Simulator 2 with openGL when starting -play the game for 5 minutes -then run truckersMP as administrator AND
  4. i don't know!! No answer
  5. Nothing still offline
  6. Only play OFFLINE
  7. I want to play online!
  8. Yes, I can not play online
  9. I sent an email to them from 4 days and there is no response I want to play online
  10. no I haven't played the game for a year ago I want to play the game now, please i tried to ask for a password reset on all my email addresses and sure enough one of them was registered I ONLY HAVE 1 ACCOUNT for world of trucks and I am tired of using the freight market. What sense does it make to have a feature and test it if I van not use it. Yes my login credentials are correct, I even changed my password "again just to be sure". Logging in is not my issue, its connecting it to ATS. On the steam game updates blog they say to report bugs and issues, well I am reporting.
  11. Good morning! I recently started playing again, so today i tried to connect my Profile to worldoftrucks for all the online features. When logging in through Steam, i get the folliowing message: Euro Truck Simulator 2 Already connected to another account. None from the games owned by Your Steam account can be used to sign up to World of Trucks.
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