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Jamie Marsh

Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Jamie Marsh

  • Birthday 05/11/1997

Profile Information

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Birmingham
  • Known languages

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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4248 profile views

Jamie Marsh's Achievements

  1. Happy birthday. I hope have a good years!  

  2. ? feliz aniversário ?

  3. Happy birthday and may health and happiness continue to accompany you. Salute to you.

  4. First time down the Kirkenes Dirt Road.



  5. OMG, imagine a TMP without idiotic car drivers. We could only dream. But with that being said, when the cars are used in the right way, it would be nice to add some customisation to those who don't use them to break rules and ruin everyone else fun. +1
  6. Anyone that drives irl can relate to this....

    Do you ever confuse yourself when opening your trucks window in the 1.37 patch and you do not feel any wind hit your right or left arm ?

  7. The Scania has had a face lift ❤️





    I Hope you're all doing well, enjoy a picture of my beautiful Shiela!



  9. Happy Birthday! :D

    1. Jamie Marsh

      Jamie Marsh

      Thanks buddy!

  10. If you're using a razer keyboard you can set gaming mode on, and it should stop that from happening. There is also a resolved topic here -
  11. Lockdown = More ETS ❤️ Hope you're all well and safe have a picture of my Sheila


  12. MORNING!




  13. Good morning my fellow truckers ❤️

    1. Alfie[UK]


      Good Morning to you too bud!!! Beautiful morning for some trucking.

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