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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Amine_

  • Birthday February 5

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  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Flagstaff
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Le Mans
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  1. Motherboard: Asus Prime a320m-K CPU: Ryzen 3 3200g with intregrated graphics. GPU: Msi Aero ITX 1050ti 4GB RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengence RGB PRO 3200MHZ Power supply: Some 400w psu that i know nothing about. Boot Drive Toshiba hard drive 1TB (Very, very slow) ^^These specs are from a prebuilt, until i really started learning about pcs and changed my ram out, and added a small SSD to my computer, I just had my first ever build with my brothers PC, all parts were picked by me, here are the specs: Motherboard: ASRock b450m-HDV R4.0 CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 6 cores GPU: ASUS Expedition 1050ti 4GB OC edition RAM: HyperX fury 16gb 2666MHZ Power supply: 500w evga 80+ certified Boot Drive: Samsung 970 EVO PRO 250GB ^^ I had no problem building it, i just had one mistake, or atleast i think this was the reason for the pc not posting on the first boot, the cpu power cable was not in correctly, so I just swapped it with another cable, and it posted first try! Thanks for reading and have a great day!
  2. Thank you to everyone who has followed me recently! Appreciate it.

  3. Thank you guys so much!
  4. Hey guys! How are you today? Im about to listen to @TFM DJ ccowie on truckersfm! Make sure to go over and check him out! But, you probably already know who he is anyways aha.

  5. Going to watch @TFM DJ ccowie's stream soon! If you would like to watch, just search up TFM_DJ_ccowie on twitch!



  6. Hello! Someone from ireland!! Nice im from there to. :)


    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Hello, nice to see another person from Ireland here :D ^_^

  7. Thanks for following! ❤️


    1. Amine_


      Thank you for following back! :D

  8. Feel free to follow me. :D

  9. Hey, new to the forums, seems interesting!

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