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Berk Bozkurt

Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Berk Bozkurt

  1. BTR Convoy @mdshahid6540ets2_20200807_201544_00.png

    1. Nightmaree.
    2. mdshahid6540


      Thanks Berk for coming. Please invite us in any of your convoy.We would love that


    3. Berk Bozkurt
  2.  Thanks for the follow!   ?

  3. Thanks for the follow!  ?

    1. xXJDTVXx


      You´re welcome! :) 


  4. Thank you to the follow MrNo  ?❤️

  5. thanks for the follow ❤

  6. Aydınlık™ Skoda Convoy ?spacer.png

  7. TKT  REAL OPERATIONS ??spacer.png

    1. OmSaL
    2. Guest


      That Was A Amazing


  8. Takip İçin Teşekkürler ??

  9. Thank you for the follow ?

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