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About Barnaba123

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  1. Wyjaśnię. Posiadam wszystkie mapy z DLC oraz naczepy z DLC(Krone + Schwarzmuller), mój poziom w grze to 27 więc wysoki i wystarczający na zakup wszystkich naczep. Niestety po wejściu w Dealera, mam dostępne 4 strony z gotowymi naczepami, oczywiście mogę je personalizować, jednak dostępne "gotowce" lub z pozycji personalizacji są jedynie Podwozie, Firanka, Chłodnia, Furgon i rodzaje takie jak zwykła naczepa, HTC oraz ta pośrednia(długa + 1/2, nie pamiętam nazwy). Jeżdząc po multiplayerze widziałe nie jedną osobą z długą niskopodwoziową naczepą z czołgiem, pustą, helikopterem itp, niestety ja nie mogę nigdzie dokonać zakupu takiej. Dodatkowo po odblokowaniu bodajże 24/25 poziomu, w lewym rogu ekranu pojawiły mi się nowe możliwości i jedną z ich była 2 osiowa naczepa podpisana STD, której ABSOULTNIE nigdzie nie znalazłem w delarze? Czy to jest normalnie, czy gdzieś jest błąd u mnie? Z chęcią kupiłbym długą niskopodwoziową naczepę do wożenia tego typu towarów. Nie sądzę by było to uwarunkowane ciągnikiem, posiadam linie T najwyższy model, koledzy mają Scanie i Man'a i również nie widzą wyżej wymienianych naczep - mowa oczywiście o indywidualnych naczepach i "Rynku towarów". Najbardziej zastanawiająca jest ta nieznaleziona opcja STD oraz naczepy - lawety.
  2. Hi ! I'm writing with ask/problem, I don't know how to say now. Let me explain. I have all maps with DLC and trailers with DLC (Krone + Schwarzmuller), my level in the game is 27 so high and sufficient to buy all trailers. Unfortunately, after entering the Dealer, I have 4 pages with ready semi-trailers, of course, I can personalize them, but only "chassis" or from the personalization position are only Chassis, Curtainsider, Refrigerator, Van and types such as ordinary semi-trailer, HTC and intermediate (long + 1/2, I don't remember the name.) Driving around the multiplayer I saw not one person with a long low-loader semi-trailer with a tank, empty, helicopter, etc., unfortunately I can not buy anywhere. In addition, after unlocking probably 24/25 level, in the left corner of the screen new possibilities appeared to me and one of them was a 2-axle trailer signed STD, which ABSOULTLY I found nowhere in the delar? Is this normal or is there a mistake somewhere with me? I would love to buy a long low loader semi-trailer for carrying this type of goods. I do not think that this was conditioned by the tractor, I have the highest model T lines, my colleagues have Scana and Man and they also do not see the above-mentioned semi-trailers - of course, we are talking about individual semi-trailers and the "Goods Market". The most puzzling is the STD option not found and the trailers - tow trucks. Best Regards Bartek
  3. Hello, I have the following problem. Playing on the ProMods server, I seriously damaged the transport, so I loaded the auto-save. Unfortunately, in the middle of charging an unidentified problem appeared and turned off my computer. After logging in again, an error message about the Save file appeared, but the option was continue, the game started. However, after the 'go' option there is an attempt to connect to the server during which the following message pops up - Connection Refused - someone is already playing with that SteamID. Any idea how to fix it? After Steam I move normally, I do not go to strange sites, nor do I have anything valuable, so hmm stealing an account is not an option. In my opinion, it got stuck on the server, restarting the computer with new logins, unfortunately, did not help, still the same error! Any advice, maybe someone met?
  4. Dear Kien, Regards your fix idea, I think you didn't read my messages correctly. I got problem with HEAR other drivers, not say. 1. Yes it's set like default for sure. 2. It's not problem with microphone with say, it problem with hear rest of drivers 3. I got maximum 100% volume, during play ETS I got turn on as well TS with my friend and I haven't got problem to hear their. 4. Again - not a problem with microphoone(but my set is integrated with headphones). Yes CB is turn on, when I use only main speakers - no problem with hear, when send voice to headphotos, I can't hear nothing. I checked that two topic which you send and I got exacly the same setup like in "CB radio not reciving sound?". Best Regards Bartek
  5. Hello! I have 2 problems with CB on servers. First, is too quiet(I change in multi-setups in sounds for maximum, but it's not enought), for sure I can make quieter sounds in game setups, and then turn up on the speakers more, but need to remember if I got music and TS as well then it make some "volume" problems with rest programs. Second problem is to find my headphones. I open line in "speaker device" choose from Default to my Logitech G933 and save like "apply", then "ok", and it change sound but not correctly. I hear all sound(like truck, music, money, etc.) on main speakers opposite my computer, but when someone say something on CB, then is completly quite on speaker(I see signal on left up side who talking) but on my headphones is nothing - completly quite. When I back to Default setups with spekers device, then I can hear again CB on main speakers. I don't know where could be problem? Because if I change in TeamSpeak, Disscord, etc programs to headphones everything working, only multiplayer got problem with send sound directly to headphones - any idea how to fix it ? Headphones are set loudest if they can be - it's problem with sound send from game.
  6. Cool @Inklink it works! Thanks :) Problem are fix.
  7. @JamesS014 - the same situation @KangaRooooKanga - on DX11 my game didn't start, I need to use OpenGL, so that "idea" will not work. @Snorlax. - no
  8. When trying to change the color of the tag from the base blue, after clicking on the blue square to choose the color throws me to the desktop throwing 'game crash fatal error'. Has anyone met and knows how to fix it? I don't like blue color ...
  9. Przy próbie zmiany koloru tagu z bazowego niebieskiego, po kliknięciu na niebieski kwadrat do wyboru koloru wyrzuca mnie do pulpitu wyrzucając ‚game crash fatal error’. Czy ktoś się spotkał i wie jak to naprawić? Nie przepadam za niebieskim kolorem..
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