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[Forza] iamRHT

Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by [Forza] iamRHT

  1. Congratulations Luke

    And yeah, admeen no ban plis :troll:

  2. Hey @It'sRatul by Addicted To do that, you have to do the following: 1) Go to C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP\data 2) Copy "ats", "ets2" and "shared" folders 3) Paste them in C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP\data 4) Rename them to "ats_mod", "ets2_mod", "shared_mod" 5) Go inside "shared_mod" folder 6) You'll see images that are named in the following manner: "server_item_0", "server_item_0_sel" etc. You have to replace these images. Have a nice one!
  3. Good night TruckersMP ❤️ 

  4. Hello there, I used to have that issue. My ping used to be over 300ms. I don't know if it will work for you but I used a VPN. For some weird reason each time I use a VPN my ping stays around 180-200ms. The VPN I use is TouchVPN, free for download in microsoft store. I think you should give it a try.
  5. PS: These trucks had custom skins which I removed using Photoshop
  6. My entries to the Trucks World Cup 2020 : )

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