antrax737's Achievements
Ok seriously, TMP stuff, you need to ban the double trailers where they dont belong, I mean Austria with doubles, double heavy, 150 tons on a road where not even one 10 ton trailer should be, going uphill at 10kmh on a road that already has a lot of traffic, just creating traffic jam. That is fing stupid, and all players doing that, you are screwing us who want to have a chill gameplay. Shifting between 1st, 4th and 6th gear on a 8-11th gear road.
Complete bs, on TMP side, and the players doing that, are you really that ignorant of others?! Not only that, if i was to guess, those trailers need PC to run bit harder, which in high traffic areas causes lower FPS than it would usually, same as beacons.
Again, total bs on the TMP side, now go ahead, give me the warning, I'd gladly accept it, I'd love it in fact.
I fully support Canadian truckers (police, fire fighters and medical personnel as well) in the protest.
Oi! Where is everybody? Main server, half full? I can't be just Convoy, not enough players on there, what's going on?
Hey @antrax737,
There were some reasons listed here:
Kindest regards,
Stay safe!
_sneaht_0810 - TruckersMP Forum Moderator
@_sneaht_0810I don't know if you've read everything guys posted, but the update is here and max i've seen so far was 2200 players, there is no way there are 2000 players on Convoy so, ok, summer, vacations, maybe? Convoy i'd say has at most 500 players playing at the same time, which compared to steam numbers is nothing.
I haven't seen something like that before and I can't blame it on no support for 1.41 or the Convoy.
Ok I'm mind blown by 1.40, it's drop dead gorgeous, the game feels 1000x more realistic, just try it out, it's awesome.
Ok, so who's idea was to have two servers with 4000+ slots? As things stand right now with both games, maps are getting bigger and the bigger the maps get the emptier they get and having 2000 players on each server doesn't help it one bit. This will probably screw up Iberia release aswell, for a week everybody will be there, after a week everybody will run back to Germany and with servers not filling up... Starting to repeat myself here, 2 big servers= 2 half empty servers.
The only good reason to do that in my opinion would be if the AI in MP is just behind the corner or you expect a lot more people playing after release of Iberia...
I tried searching the forum for a topic explaining this decision, I couldn't find anything. So does anyone know more than I do?
The players are going from Sim 1 to Sim 2 due to issues on Sim 1. Normally Sim 1 would be the server with the most players at above 2,000 players nearly around the clock.
Here's a 3-month comparison of the two biggest ETS2 servers.
Here's previous 7 days.
As you can see especially on 2nd of February, Sim 1 player count took a dive due to issues and players joined to Sim 2. As Sim 1 recovered, more players connected to it and the servers were equally full momentarily which is probably when you saw the server stats.
Just drove Man after a really long time, man that truck feels nice on the road!! The only truck close to it are all Scanias, period.
@DerAmpelmannDaf feels weird to me lately, 90km/h feels like 150, maybe it is just me, but 90 in Scania and Man feels slow, which is good, realistic. Merc gets close to that aswell. I like Daf a lot, but it just doesnt feel right to me.
First impressions on Colorado? I haven't bught it yet adn I will most likely buy Iberia first, but I'd like to know if i'm missing out on anything.