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CEBO I Constantin

Translation Manager
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by CEBO I Constantin

  1. Thanks for all your birthday wishes Tarial, HENGYA, Microsoft Windows 11, Insano Death, Melocotón, 'Lennox., FayezTMP, N C, Devsk1892, aesthxwolf, 'MaRtY, Alany, Muhammad Nizar F, pofii, Bhagyesh, ChrisHB, Almira xeltz., 'Leo., *CNDS*300-yang guang, L-DR@GO, Truckers / 3D, RedNub! :HaulieLove:

  2. Continuation of my drive with @FastTV through Austria 🇦🇹 towards the Italian 🇮🇹 Adriatic coast! :HaulieLove:


    1. Chema02


      Beautiful photo and trucks, have a good trip!


    2. PinkNub_


      Nice photo ❤️


  3. On the roads through the Austrian Alps 🇦🇹 with @FastTV!


  4. Today I could enjoy the beautiful landscape of Romania and Moldova with @jasja and some of his VTC members. :HaulieExcited:



  5. Congratulations! :HaulieLove:

    1. HandOfClash


      ?????? ? ??? ??????! ???? ???? 564760781720125441.gif?size=96&quality=lossless

  6. Thanks for the follow! :HaulieLove:

  7. Congrats Gmakata! :HaulieExcited:

  8. Thanks for the follow! :HaulieLove:

    1. Fast-rider


      Thanks for the follow as well :HaulieLove:

  9. Thanks for all the great WARP events! It was really a pleasure to help at these convoys!



  10. Happy Birthday Mouseman! ? Keep up the great media work!

  11. I still have the funny moments from the TMP#8 Freeroam Server in my mind. Thanks for the great event, TruckersMP!



  12. Happy Birthday! ?

    1. Samito_BG


      Thank you very much! ❤️?

  13. Happy Birthday! Have a great day and all the best for your future! ?

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