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Veteran Driver VII
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About DanishFlipper

  • Birthday 05/18/1985

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    ETS2 MP. Fair game, an fair people, so keep trucking fair :D.. I will help out where i can, i play about 8 hours a day.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Amsterdam

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  1. Yeah the hot fix works, now i can change my password ... Thanks for this ..
  2. Dear ETS2 MP team, I have a problem now, i just changed my passowrd on my account, an now when im typing in my new password, it says invalid email or password??? I´m typing the exact password i changed my info to, so is it because i run windows 10 or, cause earlier on thursday i did not have any issuses?? Best regards DanishFlipper
  3. I know, but thnaks guys .. But what i meant is, like other people said´, maby it would be a good ide to add to the in game rules, that the RED color is only for the admins, that´s what i meant
  4. I never had issues regarding this, neither has my friends... An im playing on a 46" screen, so i can see, nothing there... But you have to be realistic, the text ingame chat, has been reduced a lot... An im not the only one that thinks that..
  5. Suggestion Name: text ingame in the chat, can we please get the old back again Suggestion Description: I know that, after the last update you guys made some changes regarding the text ingame, could we please go back to the old one, or at least make it bigger?? I never had issues about reading the text ingame, but now me and some friends are really struggeling to read the text Any example images: No sorry Why should it be added?: Because right now, im just ignoring the chat, cause i can´t see it, so to make it fun again, an see what the admins an other players writing ..
  6. Just today, in the last couple of hours, i have seen 8 drivers with a RED color, wich are not a admin... Maby it will be a good idea to put this information under ingame rules
  7. You don´t need to turn you anti virus of, when you download it an your computer says it can´t download, just press more info, an then press download or allow download.. Hope this help you out
  8. is it possible to make the text bigger in some how, cause i´m having a hard time to see the chat messages now
  9. First, thanks for the nice new update, great work .. But i just have one thing, is it possible to make the text bigger, cause i´m having a hard time to see the chat messages now
  10. As it looks now , the MP team also do encourage us to record the sessions, an put it under report section, as they can´t not be everywhere at once. So like somebody already told you, xsplit can bee used for free, an a really good tool, use that for recording or your grafic card ..
  11. I´m so glad to see this issue being discussed, cause yes the new report system is awesome but a lot features missing in it, an that´s a real shame, so yeah let´s get the old /report chat command back again, cause most off the times (Unless you are recording, the person is gone so fast afterwards ramming into you).. So thanks for this post, an let´s hope in the future that we will get the /report command back again +1 For this post
  12. I was just asking, an telling you that it´s the same message that i got some times..
  13. Do you give it some time to connect to the server, cause every time im connecting to the server when server que is full i also get that message, but eventually it connects to the server..
  14. I agree with people on this tread here, do i like the new system, but how about adding a option like : Driving the wrong way an parking incorrect, so let´s go back to the old /report command, its alot faster guys
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