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Veteran Driver IX
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  1. MrHarv98's post in Can't reset economy/can't sleep was marked as the answer   
    Teleport to another garage to change economy Turn on fatigue simulation in singleplayer and sleep in multiplayer P.S F7+Enter does not work anymore for resetting economy's .
  2. MrHarv98's post in ATS & ETS CB Not working was marked as the answer   
    Set a default playback device and try again

  3. MrHarv98's post in Launcher Not Working? was marked as the answer   
    Open launcher as admin, Press F1 , Close launcher, Restart launcher again as admin and see if it works for you.
  4. MrHarv98's post in Connection to the server has been broken Message was marked as the answer   
    Have you recently installed any online sync programs like Google Drive Sync or Adobe Creative Cloud?
  5. MrHarv98's post in Trucker MP launcher won't launch. was marked as the answer   
    →Make sure your ETS2 is set to "NONE-opt out of all betas" in Properties>BETAS , as shown in picture 

    →Make sure your TruckersMP Launcher has the correct file path of the game, else it wont even bother to open. To make sure your launcher has the correct file path, Firstly Go in Local files tab and click Browse local files, Copy file path as shown in Explorer, Example image: 
    →Make sure no program is blocking the opening of Launcher, Example, Outdated RTS Server which MSI Afterburner uses or Outdated EVGA PrecisionX hooks,etc. So, If you have any softwares like those to monitor PC/Game stats, update them and retry.
    →Last but not the least, Perform a clean boot, Guide→ https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/929135/how-to-perform-a-clean-boot-in-windows
    Awaiting for your response.
  6. MrHarv98's post in Can't extract files, when the path is correct was marked as the answer   
    This is not a multiplayer issue and you should head to SCS forums for help.
  7. MrHarv98's post in I am having trouble with Truckers MP launch pad was marked as the answer   
    Easy way to find ATS directory is, Go to Steam > Library > Right click ATS > Properties > Browse local files 
    Click in the file path bar as shown in GIF below

    Left click and Copy it, Paste it in blank space when the launcher asks for file path.
  8. MrHarv98's post in truckersmp not start was marked as the answer   
    Open Launcher.exe by right click>Run as administrator , Let it download files then click on play ETS2
  9. MrHarv98's post in ETS2 MP Update Error was marked as the answer   
    Please download and install https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=49981
    Restart PC and run launcher as Administrator
  10. MrHarv98's post in Launcher - An error occured was marked as the answer   
    Please download and install https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=49981
    Restart PC and run launcher as administrator
  11. MrHarv98's post in New version MP Error was marked as the answer   
    Please download and install this .NET framework https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=49981
    After install restart PC and run launcher as Administrator 
  12. MrHarv98's post in update was marked as the answer   
    1. Let it download files.
    2. If you try to modify the files it will take it as that the files do not match the checksums and will update again, so dont touch the updater files 
    3. Run the Launcher as Administrator 
    4. What error does it give you? Also what is the Operating system version you use? Please provide information about this.
  13. MrHarv98's post in Would this count as modding? was marked as the answer   
    Hi, Mod used in the picture you gave is http://atsmpmods.ru/portfolio/kenworth-w900-day-cabin-on-long-chassis/ , Which is on the website which is listed in "Allowed mods" under News & Information.
  14. MrHarv98's post in Can't register to game. (ATS) was marked as the answer   
    Please read 
  15. MrHarv98's post in TruckersMP/ATS crashes after starting was marked as the answer   
    Please go to Documents/AmericanTruckSimulator and then find last_crash text file there , Open it and  copy all of the information there to http://pastebin.com/ and then give link to pastebin with crash log info here
  16. MrHarv98's post in Delete my data completely was marked as the answer   
    We don't erase accounts in TruckersMP.. But if you want your account can be permanently banned and disabled at your own request.
  17. MrHarv98's post in Logitech G25 shifter not changing to correct gear. was marked as the answer   
    ^Contact Logitech support regarding this at https://support.logitech.com/en_us/contact-support
  18. MrHarv98's post in Can I use Hybrid Truck? was marked as the answer   
    @[KOR] Crown Yes you can use this in MP.
  19. MrHarv98's post in How can fix APPCRASH??? was marked as the answer   
    Do you have Windows 7? If yes, Do you have Windows 7 Service pack 1?
    To check if you have Windows SP1 , Right click My Computer , Select properties and Do you see SP1 Next to Windows 7 name on Top?
    Direct Link for Service Pack1: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5842
    Also make sure all your Graphic drivers are updated.
  20. MrHarv98's post in graphic problem with raptr was marked as the answer   
    Here's a list of Recording Software's 
  21. MrHarv98's post in "Cannot create game process" error was marked as the answer   
    That error is made due to wrong installation path of ETS2MP whilst installing the TruckersMP mod.
    Here is a video guide: 
  22. MrHarv98's post in hello TruckersMP was marked as the answer   
    Moved to Help.
    Hi check out this guide to help you a bit: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/23446-setting-up-a-vtc/
    Also you can use http://ets2data.com/ for Logging and Managing your submissions of jobs made by your drivers. 
    You can use this https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/29315-automatic-trip-logging-tour-o-matic/ for Triplogging your VTC jobs if you do not want manual submission by drivers.
    You can use this https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/23434-wolfvtc-vtc-control-panel/ as a Control Panel and Central for your VTC Operations
  23. MrHarv98's post in I need Ats multiplayer for the MacBook version. was marked as the answer   
    Have a look at this threadhttps://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/27352-mac-version/
  24. MrHarv98's post in Version problems was marked as the answer   
    -Time traveling is a known bug and should be fixed with the next update.
    -Have you disabled your chat by accidently pressing F9 on the keyboard? Or have some other programs like fraps,bandicam which can disable the chat since they have a F9 key assignment.
  25. MrHarv98's post in Kicked For High Ping was marked as the answer   
    Try all of these
    1. Do a dns flush, Clicky here on how to do that
    2. Clear your PC's temp files with Clean Master for PC
    3. Open up your Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del on keyboard and see if there are some updating services running in the background processes , Example: Adobe IPC Broker service,or any form of updater service which updates softwares you use in the background. If you dont know if there are any running provide a screenshot and i will guide you furthur on.)
    4. Do a Disk Cleanup of C: drive Clicky here on how to do that , P.S The top right corner where it says Windows 8.1/Windows RT 8.1 , Click drop down arrow and select your version of windows 7/8/10)
    5. Disable any unwanted programs you dont want running and hogging internet. Clicky here on how to do that.
    Id bet on my listed methods to have a ping reduction by a few ms.
    If all else fails make a support ticket.
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