Suggestion Name: Auto Kick Warning for being Idle
Suggestion Description: There as been many times where I have decided to park up for a small break from driving (Although still at the computer and in-game and looking at the screen, consider it as roleplay) and I have been kicked for being idle. This is fine and dandy however there has been times I have spotted the warning in red text in the bottom left hand corner. I feel that this placement does not give it justice and is not visible enough.
My suggestion is to make it larger, more centred in the screen, something like the "You have entered the city" message that comes up, but more in the centre and red of course.
This will allow for those that are roleplaying correctly being a trucker to actually see this message and move their truck slightly so that they do not get kicked. After all, if they are parked sensibly and roleplaying as they should be, it shouldn't be a problem. Any example images: Sorry, I don't have any example images to provide, however I think my description should give you a good insight to what I mean. Why should it be added?: To allow for better roleplay for the more serious gaming truckers such as myself.