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Alex [ITA]

Veteran Driver IX
 TruckersMP Profile
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Alex [ITA] last won the day on July 11 2017

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About Alex [ITA]

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Cars, ETS2, Computers
  • Preferred Trucks
    Freightliner Cascadia®
  • American Garage Location
    California: Sacramento
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam
  • Known languages
    Italian (First Language) - English - Spanish

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  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Hey there, I'm trying the new mp version working on 1.37. Is it just me or some sounds are bugged? Firstly my truck horn doesn't work many times when I press the designated button, secondly the other trucks turn on/off their engine when passing by...

    Is there something wrong with my system or is the mod a bit buggy at the moment?

    1. SgtBreadStick


      It is a bug within MP as far as I know, as FMOD is pretty new to ETS2 and TMP. It'll all be fixed eventually, i think

    2. Rudewolf




      it's a bug and I hope they will fix it soon. It happens in populated areas. 


      Have a good day.

    3. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      Thank you both!

  3. Molto possibile che sia un errore dovuto a una versione del gioco non supportata. Leggi qui: https://truckersmp.com/kb/26
  4. I've noticed huge frame drops and some weird graphical things in ATS after the update; I can't tell for ETS2 as the version I'm using is not supported yet. As for the bugs: some wheels of the trailers of other players are low poly and low definition, other are not (weird) and the rolling bushes are lagging and low quality as well as the trailer wheels. I've experienced frame drops in the cities (small ones too, where there isn't much to load): I was continously fluctuating between 60 to 30 fps inside the cities (with instant frame drops up to a 10 fps loss), creating a pretty annoying effect.
  5. More than 4 years of waiting, but it was well worth it. I was sure you guys would add ProMods, thank you!
  6. I've just come across Infinite Truckers, but I can't find any information about them on their website, nor on their forum, since I'm not registered to it. Are they competing with TMP? Could someone explain what are they doing/offering?

    1. ScaniaFan89


      Yes they are claiming to be better than tmp & believe in being open about the goings on behind closed doors, claim to have promods servers & a bmw police car thats licensed! Join the discord though & you will soon find its full of ego & power abuse, staff are rude for no reason. If you ask for proof it even exists you will just get told " soon! "



    2. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      It seems a nice mod tho. I mean: ProMods servers… That's not bad (if they are able to do it).

      And just to know: is TMP against Infinite Trucking in any form or viceversa?

    3. ScaniaFan89


      You would be best asking @Aestrial that one, simple answer is no they are not against it but he can give you a better detailed answer ;)

  7. Well if trolls don't understand that a server which is specifically named "SIMULATION" is for simulation, they'll be banned for not respecting the simulation rules, I don't think it's difficult to comprehend Log into "SIMULATION" servers just to cause mayhem? A well deserved ban is right there for you. I can say from personal experience that since the first "Road to simulation" update, the situation got much better (Idk about C-D since it's years that I don't drive there due to truck carnage); some months ago I tried switching from EU#01 to EU#02 to give it a second chance: litterally 5 minutes after I logged in, I got rammed twice, I reported both the players in-game and nothing happened. A few weeks ago I was playing in SIM#01, a driver made an illegal u-turn on the highway, rammed me and laughed about that in chat: I reported him and 10 minutes later he got banned. I recently saw one of Speedy_TMP livestreams and he clearly said: "Drive on C-D at your own risk, I will reject all of the C-D area reports."; I immediately thought that was the right thing to do, since C-D is complete madness and people go there just to get rammed over and over and spam reports. This behaviour just makes the in-game report system useless since it's flooded with, in fact, useless reports… But you can't rely only on one admin, the community should understand that creating reports in C-D is pointless (and basically going on C-D all day long without a real reason) and makes "real" reports go in the background.
  8. I'm ok with the update, since I respect all the rules, so the speed limiter is not a problem for me as I don't go over 80 km/h. Game moderators play the role of the police in game, and as in reality, police vehicles go faster when they're in service, so I think that to add realism the higher speed for them is a nice touch. I think most of the players still don't understand that TMP is based on simulation games, so you should play it respecting the road rules, sounds simple right? If you want to race with your truck, just go in the arcade servers.
  9. @developers/team I had to update the TMP launcher and both the clients for ETS2 and ATS. Since then the SCS and ETS2MP logo are lagging when starting the game and I suddenly have lag spikes (never experienced them before) in-game. Is there something wrong with the TMP or I have to reinstall the game?

    1. ThiagoBR_


      Our development team is already analyzing the motives that are causing this! I ask only that you wait! Soon this will be corrected!

  10. Hey all, just a question regarding the game rules: is the double trailer restriction removed? I'm asking this because I knew there was some sorta of "kick barrier", but I didn't find any information here in the forums nor in the official rules, so I'm asking the community.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IethaI


      Yes, the zone was removed.

    3. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      Thank you both! I won't go on C-D with doubles, I avoid that area as it's a complete mess, I was wondering about this rule as I was in Hannover with doubles and I didn't want to go against the rules or something :)

    4. IethaI


      No problem :)


  11. Wait a minute: where did the light theme go? Is the website in dark theme only now?

    1. Luna




      We have changed the default theme of our forum.

      You can still change back to the light theme if you want to. Just scroll to the bottom of the page and select the white theme:



      Dark theme just feels better ;)


      Happy trucking!

    2. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      Thank you! For some reasons there wasn't the theme button before :blink:

    3. Luna


      Yeah, we fixed it ;)

  12. Oh well, I can't attend TFM convoy because Steam decided to update ETS2 even if automatic updates for the game are disabled :angry:

    Thank you Steam, always on time!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Linciano


      Hallo Alex!

      You could just downgrade your Game to a supported Version :)

    3. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      I don't want to mess with that. I'll wait the supported MP version.

    4. Linciano


      I never had any issues with downgrading the Game, but this is totally up to you of course :)

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