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Veteran Driver VII
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About thumbthrower

  • Birthday 09/01/1994

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  1. As the admins ave been saying, different situations call for different actions!! I don't see why a new player(or someone with no previous ban/kick history) who miss judged a turn and crashed into another player should be judged in the same way as someone with multiple offenses!!!? Maybe the admins implement a color system that goes from white to red depending on how often you have been kicked/banned but only they can see it? This way they could strait away see if the player is "malicious" or "dangerous" or not and take action accordingly. And by the way Europort is a NO OVERTAKING ZONE and so if you overtake there you are breaking the rules and the admins can do as they see fit to punish you.
  2. Maybe the admins should message everybody in the chat asking them to use Europort only if they are going to Amsterdam or Rotterdam(etc) when the servers are at their busiest? It will not sort out the Europort trouble but it would let the drivers know that it is full and allow them to use the other ports accordingly (Seeing ass they might not know when it is busy)
  3. Maybe add distance and keep the ping? I use the ping to see if anybody potentially dangerous comes racing round the corner so that I can take "evasive maneuvers". The distance one I would have little use for..
  4. I agree. Who really needs 15 beacons on their truck? Two is largely sufficient (especially if it is two normal single beacons and on beacon bar).
  5. That's what I was hoping ^^ sorry I miss understood.
  6. It would be a nice feature for when the in game economy is in place.I do really like both of Glassed Silvers ideas though
  7. +1. I like it... But I don't know if it's wise to have 20 servers just for different levels. Maybe just have this rating shown by having different colored names?(blue=100% rating ,etc.)
  8. As DFS_TV said, I think that this is already planned.
  9. Sort of like a theory test to get your drivers licence?
  10. Seeing as both of us have over 300 hours in game I think that you can assume that most players with over 50 hours playtime know how to park properly... but sometimes I just can't be bothered to wait for 5 mins for 10 people to park and then wait another 10 whilst they go and get a drink,go to the loo,heave tea,etc.
  11. Ahhhh Okay I didn't realize the extent of the lag ^^! Auto parking; taking trucking to the next level!
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