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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by InactiveLapis

  1. Devistated of the news of Speedy's passing. ?

  2. Speedy buddy, rest in peace man. You will be greatly missed. Hope you have all the peace and cheese up there. ❤️

  3. Congrats nubmeister! 

    1. NexusMEISTER


      Thank you LapisNub ❤

  4. Nooo Lincnub. 

  5. Stuff is going down in the TMP internal staff area. Those team changes don't look very good. ?

  6. Welcome back nub ❤️

    1. SpoonyUK


      Thank you, bigger nub ❤️

  7. Hyped for #TMP8 Freeroam! ?

  8. Just earned the 'Dedicated' badge. Didn't even realise that I've visited the forum for 7 days back to back?

  9. Musn't lie, I'm more and more active here on the forums and I like it ?

    1. Fast-rider


      Yep, the Forum is really nice. Nice to hear you like it :mlg_doge::HaulieLove:

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Nice to hear, forum is great :HaulieLove:

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