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Veteran Driver IX
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R3D_P4Nd4 last won the day on November 4 2017

R3D_P4Nd4 had the most liked content!

About R3D_P4Nd4

  • Birthday January 25

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Trucking, Logistics, Charity
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Elko
  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Stavanger
  • Known languages
    English, German

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  1. Happy Birthday to the lad who can't actually stay in the lanes after a couple of bevvies but claims that he can stay in the lanes! Have a goodun Cheetah 

  2. Happy Birthday, @EchoSpot! o/

    1. R3D_P4Nd4


      @ALLIANCE Jean M. do I know you???  ? haha thanks for the birthday wish buddy ?  much love

    2. ALLIANCE Jean M.

      ALLIANCE Jean M.

      Well, I don't know you except from the forum, but I think it nothing costs to wish you a Happy Birthday, after all, for sure everyone like me, would like to receive a message like this on the birthday. :P:D

  3. Oooohhhh Cheetah has a new name? :thisisfine:

    1. R3D_P4Nd4


      I do? Wait..... I do!! :P 

  4. @DJ Jefferz I'm not backseat moderating at all, i just think its a bit stupid that you're trying to argue your points....... there's a feedback system for a reason I'll say again though, I never read that the survey was, nor was intended to be anonymous
  5. @DJ Jefferz I think the best thing for you to do is quit while you think you're ahead. You know I conduct the TruckersMP survey towards the end of each year to find out who the communities favorites are, this too goes through a stage of data cleansing to filter out rogue information. It's just how surveys work. I know you think you mean well, but (and im being honest here) how truckersmp decide to carry out a survey has nothing to do with you since your not on the team anymore. The decision to use verification of the TMP profile means the team can verify that the users who have answered are current users, registered with the community, at no point did I read that this is an anonymous survey.
  6. Are you the organizer of Driver4Life?

  7. Although wouldn't need these options, I know many players that would benefit from the suggestions made, and possibly others that aren't listed. I think this would be a great addition to the mod and would show the community that truckersmp isn't a numbers game, but a mod team that cares. @EHHVTC I Ollie Great suggestion mate, certainly gets my +1.
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