R3D_P4Nd4's Achievements
Happy Birthday, @EchoSpot! o/
@ALLIANCE Jean M. do I know you??? haha thanks for the birthday wish buddy much love
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Well, I don't know you except from the forum, but I think it nothing costs to wish you a Happy Birthday, after all, for sure everyone like me, would like to receive a message like this on the birthday.
Alright, I'd like to clear up a misconception that's rolling about relating to the recent community success story.
As event organisers, we are all grateful and appreciate the acknowledgment and recognition that is for many, overdue. However, the post has led to my name currently being in the light and receiving a lot of praise from you as a community, and as much as I am included in the achievements, I can and will not take all the credit for the achievements of my colleagues who all work equally as hard on their events. Please Go show them some love too
Senka Wolf
kNex FaNz
and of course all the others i've missed