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Unchiu Gabi

Veteran Driver V
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About Unchiu Gabi

  • Birthday 11/20/2001

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  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Stockholm
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  1. Happy Birthday! I wish you a pleasant game!

  2. Yea i think g_disable_beacons 1/2 both work fine. But 2 looks so weird so imma stick to 1. Do i need to put this command in console everytime i enter the game?
  3. Hi guys, so i got this configuration: I5 10600KF RX480 8G 16GB I wanted to ask you, why when i'm passing some guys who have the new strobe lights on are droping my fps? This started happening since 1.40 update From 68-72 fps i'm feeling like the fps drops to 30 and it has a desync type of lag i dont know how to explain it. I also disabled secondary veh lights from Graphics options What should I do or disable?
  4. Thank you, topic can be closed.
  5. I decided to stay with 1080p 300% scaling. Also what reflection scaling are you playing with 50, 100 or 200? Thank you ? @Stubborn___
  6. Thank you, what photo would You choose from those three photos?
  7. Hi guys, i have a question. Which is better for looks 1080p 300/400 scaling or 1440p 200 scaling? I also tried 4k 100% scaling[Got the best FPS but my PC is turning into a plane] I need to mention that the fps is kinda the same, 4-5 fps more in 2K vs 1080p. I made some photos but i can't really see the difference : https://imgur.com/a/Hx4aDV3 Thank you!
  8. Thank you
  9. Unchiu Gabi


    Yo guys does someone know when the 1.40 update will come? SP ETS2 came out of beta and now the version is 1.40 I really can't wait to play mp on 1.40
  10. Thank you bro I already said that thing but thank you for your effort Solved topic! Peace
  11. So guys i'm having a small problem that annoys me a bit. When I drive in MP especially in crowded places. People in front of me like 300-400m ahead are appearing, disappearing and appearing again[DRAW| SMOOTHING DISTANCE AT MAXIMUM] Does somebody have this problem too? So I'm asking if I change this Draw Distance in config file would my problem disappear LOOK : https://imgur.com/a/6s8WaKT Thank you!
  12. Thank you, guys. I only record when i'm pissed on someone and report him. I got like 15-16 reports Peace! Solved Topic!
  13. Hi guys, how can I find if I was reported on website? Thank you
  14. It's not that, thank you
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