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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by [VIVΛ HH] KЯΛVΛTIΞ

  1. 1 hour ago, Smalley said:

    -1 what are you even talking about?


    1 hour ago, 1nYX said:

    -1 didn't understand it all   KravKrav.


    1 hour ago, Savage Frog said:

    Kinda pointless suggestion really. And I'm not saying that just because it's posted by you. Don't really see how it "makes sense".


    -1 from me




    i'll explain it really simple


    if you get banned on the website and you're ingame


    it kicks you from the game

  2. 10 hours ago, Hardy said:

    Player levels are low because no noticeable gameplay updates come out for players.I know these features are hard to implement but I don't see any progess on that.


    And trust me, that's not just my opinion.


    We are waiting for synced jobs (multiplayer-sided, now WOT was faster), creating own companies, server sided accounts, etc. for ages.


    Won't happen until SCS stop releasing updates (which to me is rubbish)


    Furthermore features like double-trailers get showed but never implemented because of the missing options for it (with a server-sided account system and a level for double-trailers this would be possible and they wouldn't cause so much trouble, right?).


    Won't happen cos physics

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