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Veteran Driver X
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Posts posted by [VIVΛ HH] KЯΛVΛTIΞ

  1. 46 minutes ago, Cooper's Freightmaster said:

    All testing is done internally thus an external rank is not needed. We have 80+ potential testers


    so how come they always find game breaking bugs on release? such as the flag dlc



    • Upvote 1
  2. Suggestion Description: a thing ingame where you can only press horn for like 2 minutes max and then you get a 10 min cool down then you can press your horn again for 2 mins max

    Why should it be added?: cos its amazing and it'll stop horn spam


    k thx bai

  3. cos


    it's simple




    you had 1 month


    then @MrHarv  didn't know so you didn't get 3 months


    then you get 3 months


    technically Aragon should give you a perma but you got lucky with harv


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