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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Serega_RP

  • Birthday 01/23/1992

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Elko
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Hamburg

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  • One Month Later
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  • Old Timer

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  1. Problem solved, thank you all for participating
  2. random road events spoil life, remove the collision from them
  3. Why is he kicking me for a trailer with a bulldozer? from mods I only have a mod on the cabin 6x4
  4. While on the servers there are Turks this is not a multiplayer ........... and from the reports there is no sense as from the administration in the game itself ...... The congregation of non-idle players....
  5. I downloaded this update for more than 30 minutes ....... 2 times the download was interrupted
  6. Everything is clear without translation
  7. Very fast Thank you))
  8. Dlc will work in mp?
  9. There is a proposal to add a passive mode as in GTA or the ability to disable the damage, otherwise who will pay me for damages of the cargo and the machine ..... I use loads only with worldoftrucks. And there does not work autosave
  10. And who will refund me money for repairing the car and a broken cargo? This player will be banned, but it will not be better for me
  11. In popular cities, they should be, even for the mind, and I myself am ready to become a moderator for as an evening so on the roads of anarchy ......
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