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John [RO]

Veteran Driver VII
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John [RO] last won the day on March 13 2016

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About John [RO]

  • Birthday 02/27/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Diego
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Swansea
  • Known languages
    Romanian, English, French

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Stobart Trucking VTC

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John [RO]'s Achievements

  1. Cum anulez o cursa de pe contracte externe ? 

    1. adrian_9152


      solve the problem

    2. Skorpion_TMP


      Salut Adrian! Cand esti pe pagina principala, in coltul din stanga sus, dreapta, iti apare ce cursa ai in momentul respectiv si cea externa in cazul in care iti apare ca inca ai o cursa nefinalizata la externe. Dai click acolo si ai de ales dintre "Continua cursa" si "Anuleaza cursa". Sper ca te-am ajutat, succes :).

  2. No, you will not be banned for having 18 Million dollars in the bank
  3. Hey TheBeastOfTheRoad, This happens because there is a time difference between SinglePlayer and the Multiplayer Server. MP server is a couple of weeks in advance (due to the fact that time doesn't stop in Multiplayer like it does in Singleplayer). So what happend is , when you connected on Multiplayer, time synchronised and jumped forward some weeks. In this time, your hired drivers completed jobs and brought home all those millions.
  4. In DLC-ul Arizona, vor aparea cel putin 4 orase noi : Tuscon, Sierra Vista, Show Low, si Phoenix (capitala statului) ! Asteptam chiar mai multe, pentru ca Arizona este un intreg stat (in realitate are 91 de orase)
  5. Ummm...so...you're saying it works now using a new profile , or are you still testing ?
  6. Try to make a second save on Singleplayer (save in another slot) and pick up from there on MP
  7. waking up to 0 notifications since unfollowed certain individuals...

  8. Hey MonsterXqc, Can you please give us the whole error message in english ?
  9. Hey DippyCoB, Please make sure you're using the email account you use to connect to Steam (where you have ETS2 or ATS). If you have a separate email for the forums and steam, you can easily mixed them up. So please double check.
  10. I have some concerns about the "embarrassing of others". Also, the counter would fluctuate as people are banned/unbanned everyday. (and yet never learn their lesson).
  11. I'm not really sure why would this be implemented... I mean, what value does it add ? what does it do ? who does it help ?
  12. Blog SCS : Actualizarile la joc au nevoie de mai mult timp in BETA De fiecare data cand alegem sa facem un Open Beta pentru actualizarile jocurilor, speram intotdeauna sa nu existe probleme majore cu actualizarile, ca perioada de Open Beta este doar o confirmare ca am facut o treaba buna din prima si suntem gata de lansarea oficiala. Asa ca nu suntem tocmai incantati de faptul ca au trecut deja 2 saptamani de Open Beta pentru versiunea 1.23 pentru ETS2 si versiunea 1.2 pentru ATS. Insa, nu dorim sa compromitem calitatea din cauza timpului prea scurt si a grabirii procesului de testare. Suntem determinati sa va oferim actualizari ale jocurilor ce au fost temeinic finisate si testate. Va rugam sa mai aveti putina rabdare, o gramada de lucruri misto vor aparea in aceste actualizari, si in cele ce vor urma pe viitor. Intre timp, echipa de dezvoltare a hartilor ATS lucreaza din greu la DLC-ul Arizona, o expansiune a hartii GRATUITA, ce urmeaza a fi integrata in ATS. Primim foarte multe cereri de a da mai multe detalii despre Arizona si cum progreseaza lucrarile. Nu vrem sa dezvaluim totul, in general, vrem sa lasam surprize pentru cei ce vor descoperi Arizona pentru prima oara. Insa, speram sa apreciati aceste screenshoturi cu noul stat Arizona. Dupa cum veti vedea, avem cateva noutati introduse in joc, incluzand cateva masini noi AI, noi drumuri si intersectii, etc.
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  13. Cei de la SCS au zis ca mai au nevoie de putin timp. Nu este confirmata pana acum nici o data oficiala. Estimativ, as spune...cam inca o saptamana ? nu vad de ce ar dura mai mult, insa doar SCS stie exact. Nu pot decat sa ghicesc.
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