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Veteran Driver V
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Status Updates posted by StaleBread498

  1. Had a good Single Player drive! 
    Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! 




    1. Guest


      Thank You So Much ❤️

    2. Philii


      Thanks, have a great week! ?

  2. Congrats on game moderator trainee!!?


  3. Congrats on game moderator trainee!!?

  4. Congrats on Game Moderator Trainee!!?

    1. SpectralProphet


      Thank you, StaleBread!

  5. Congrats on Game Moderator Trainee!!?

  6. Congrats on new position!!!?

  7. Congrats Tony!!
    Big fan!?

  8. Thanks for the follow! ?

    1. 'Buffalo


      Thanks for follow back ?

  9. ?Had a fun midnight drive in good old Idaho! 


  10. Thanks for the follow! ?

  11. Grimes Winter mod is now Supported!! Cant wait to go driving with the mod and see all of the massive chaos on the road and driving with my friends! 

  12. Hey all! Hoping you all are doing good!
    I just wanted to share one of my favorite photos I took on my trip in sp! I cant wait when TMP adds support to the winter mod again, love driving in it, always looks great and with great drives! Have a great day/night.

    1. [MCG] Masunio

      [MCG] Masunio

      I hope so. Great photo btw ❤️ 

    2. RagtagBoss


      What a beautiful photo ❤️

  13. spacer.png
    Exploring British Colombia with the new Freightliner Cascadia! The ProMods team did a great job developing the map, cant wait to see what else ProMods comes up with!

  14. A new Wyoming teaser?? Can't wait to see what SCS brings! Been a great year for ATS, and cant wait to explore the new content that 1.39 brings for TMP its great exploring with my friends! 

  15. Colorado is out! Cant wait to check it out and when TMP supports it, going to be fun driving through with my friends!

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