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Veteran Driver V
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About MajorVesthammerDK

  • Birthday 04/01/2002

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  • EU Garage Location
    Denmark: Odense
  • Known languages
    Danish, English, Swedish and Norwegian

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    Have a great day boys and girls

    with kind and lovely greetings

  2. @ChristmarDK Jeg er 19 år gammel, er igang med at uddanne mig til Anlægsgartner udenfor TruckersMP, desuden kører jeg for BG Transport A/S
  3. Suggestion Name: IDEA about a server Suggestion Description: I wanted at some point to have a separate server made for the players that are part of a VTC where you can have your VTC mods on .. so you can have your company / company name on the truck as well as the trailer .. as well as more Roleplay being made out of it .. Any example images: there is no exemple Why should it be added?: why it should be added ?, think it would benefit everyone if such a server was added to the players who would like to take the game seriously around VTC
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