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Mr Barbecue

Veteran Driver V
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Status Updates posted by Mr Barbecue

  1. Thanks for the follow!

  2. After 2 years with GökBörü a new page is turned
    Thank you to all the team for the good mood, pass with you the convoys etc...
    GökBörü is a part of my history that will remain forever in my memory.
    Mr Barbecue

  3. Hello everyone,

    After a long absence, I'm back.
    Thank you for all your messages.


    The year has been quite complicated for me, so that's why I've been slightly (if not a lot) absent and abandoned Euro Truck and TruckersMP, I'm sorry about that.

    I'll probably (even certainly) be back by next year, for more convoys with GökBörü and convoys with friends.


    Take care and happy christmath.


    Mr Barbecue

  4. Thanks for follow 🙂 

    1. /:\ Axel /:\

      /:\ Axel /:\

      thank you also for your follow ! 😊

  5. Thanks for follow - Merci du follow 😉 


    1. Clem_LPX


      No problem - Pas de soucis 😉

  6. Welcome to the forum dude 😛 

  7. Merci pour le follow 🙂 

    1. [FR] Adrien

      [FR] Adrien

      Merci à toi aussi! 🙂

  8. Thanks for follow ❤️ 🙂 ^^

  9. Since yesterday,



    My forum account is three years old now as well as my TrcukersMP account

    So much ground covered 


    Thanks to everyone I know in the community who is kind to me

    For the others, you know very well what I think of you.


    Then almost 1 year that I am at GökBörü, so many convoy spend together in 1 year.

    Thank you for the kindness you gave me when I arrived in GökBörü


    Stay as you are and take care of yourself ❤️ 




  10. Heureux de te voir de retour ?
    Welcome back!

  11. Congrats and welcome back ❤️ 

  12. Rest in peace Speedy 

    We miss you already ?

  13. Thanks for follow ? 

  14. Congrats my big friend ?❤️

  15. Yesterday I made my first convoy with GökBörü and I can say that I was very well received as if I was with them since the beginning. 


    With Wolves, a page is turned, after about 2 years with them in the VTC I decided to leave (not really).  


    Today, a new page is opened with GökBörü and a long history begins to be created.




    BBQ is back :) ^^

    1. Mr Barbecue

      Mr Barbecue

      Berk you nub ;D

    2. Mr Barbecue

      Mr Barbecue

      Hi @OCSC Antho 


      First of all, thank you for your message.


      Indeed, Wolves was a very good VTC, and the people welcomed me very well as GökBörü did. 


      Have a good trip ;D

  16. 2 years on the forum, 2 years on truckersmp, soon 1 years in wolves vtc (29/10/2020)

    There have been ups and downs, but it was all my fault.
    I have met so many great people.
    My TruckersMP adventure is just beginning.
    Thanks to all of you.


    BBQ ❤️❤️ 

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