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Darth Wazawai

Veteran Driver VII
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Darth Wazawai last won the day on September 3 2015

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About Darth Wazawai

  • Birthday October 18

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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. Guest

    You’ve enjoyed another year of your life, let’s enjoy the next one together!
    Happy birthday!🎂

  2. ^ that was actually not ment to start anything with them. Sorry if it sounded like it...
  3. I haven't been on atsmp in a while, but I'm guessing resting zones are still cz. I do like this idea my kick timer avg is 5.5 minutes. However small places that can not hold more than 10-15 full trucks with trailers should not be permitted esp if they are cz. Furthermore cz resting spots that apply should have a no spawn ban rule for obvious reasons one truck spawns 20 go flying... In a full lot (biggest I've found) over 50 trucks could get effected bad enough by that one truck requiring to f7... I'm not joking there's at least one massive truck stop I forget where but it's huge. I like this idea if the cz truck stops stay, if not nope sorry. Just type "y" then "/k" (or anything after /) every few minutes
  4. Just nothing paid, aka the high powered dlc, which some want as it kinda mimics one of the pics above... Idk what happens if one tries to load a skin forcefully in game... Maybe it'll crash? If it doesn't show up or cause issues in shop of the user doesn't own it than sure. I agree adding truck skins to the list for cars as save editing the car requires 99.99% of the users doing it to have the mp client open, likely connected to the server... Edit: now I'm going to try my steam punk dlc on the car to see what it looks like lol
  5. Nah let's change the message to: If you wish to continue with said command in MP please hit Alt+F4 to execute your command. jokes aside yea not urgent not really needed, but for new people it would be a good idea, as I don't want to see a topic like this: error message says I'm driving a truck, but I'm not.
  6. I don't think this needs to actually be a rule as spawning on the roads is not permitted already and if one causes issues doing so is a banable offence. Seriously? If I'm connecting I'd never drive around while I wait... It's possible the game lags on your end and can connect w/o you knowing it. Furthermore unless you can see in the future you don't know if you're going to spawn into someone. Here I thought @megadethsteve666 was the worst of us 3 at driving... But clearly you are. What they do is technically justified towards that one person (doesn't make it right but... Not the point here), however you put those around you at risk by spawning on the road. When you spawn in another truck in any form one of 2 things happen. One; you send them to hell, two; you send them flying... The first one isn't as bad as the second, because the second has the potential of causing more damage with other vehicles... Out of my entire time being here I've only had one cz spawn issue (maybe 2 during the 4k server, but could of been a bug as I f7 and happened again in the ncz) which was during the while Scandinavia no ncz fiasco, 75% my fault as I didn't put my truck in the right position causing a trailer to spawn on me. I've dogged over 6-10 road spawners, one in heavy fog (it's on my YouTube channel), but they all where stationary So while a new rule isn't actually need imo if you're driving and spawning it should be a perm ban, as that's downright careless and pain and simply not caring about others. If you spawn on someone stuck in a traffic jam you might drive threw 5 trucks before physics in game figures your causing accidents making it look like you hacked the game making your truck a ncz zone. Edit: @megadethsteve666 park on the curb or a grass part that you can drive out from, chances are you'll never spawn on someone even during a full server as long as it's not a normally busy place. I've done this 0 issues there's a risk but it's like 0.01%
  7. You can't limit the car based on hours, this is because truckersmp would have to have access or keep a log of every one until they get past said restriction. The issue is steam only gives x number of api requests, a whole lot less than Google... In order for this to work they'd have to ask steam to lift said limits for their key, which won't happen.
  8. I wouldn't mind being mugged by these guys :D

  9. @Blazie @MrCreeper


    Bought this Saturday along with others worth 240 cad total :D ($16 a shirt cad)


    The issue with woot is their insane shipping fees... They are based on either both price and shipping timeframe or just shipping timeframe... For Canada shipping starts at $20 and with 3 shirts can get to $30/40 with different shipping dates...

    You guys might like this one lol


    And for @Tuxy Fluffyclaws



    Also bought 3 tees from Qwertee

    :D new tees ftw plus this one from humble bundle :D


  10. You went from a psychotic exploding creeper to something that's got a "look at me I'm cute and cuddly" look...


    With a warning label of: caution: May explode of hugged too hard.

  11. So i guess im a ghost now...




    Because no one saw me even a noob who swore in game (yes i recorded that, text only tho, not in pic below)



    Because you think this would give me away...




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      parallel, i have a video of it, im too tired to edit and upload (i didnt use OBS game replay function) i kept bumping into the cars because of the fast acceleration + bad brakes lol... Plus i did it in a weird dev angle too lol kinda helped but not really...

    3. jukeboxknox


      well congrats, its even better that you had to actually park. Thats so weird though, cant they see your blue dot and even your name? some special people out there

    4. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      well they never asked how i got there or even acknowledged me till i made my self known (typing or honking), plus im not red in game so i'm not that noticeable esp if they are not looking that way or their map ;)

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