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Veteran Driver VII
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About Jamie69

  • Birthday 08/30/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Liverpool- United Kingdom
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Liverpool

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Community Answers

  1. Happy Birthday! ❤️ 

  2. Happy Birthday!! ?

  3. Exactly will stop all the accidents on Calais - Duisburg road now too.
  4. The barries will all open at the same time as everyone else and close the same time as everyone else.
  5. Thanks, when will you be supporting the Schwarzmuller trailers?
  6. ^ You never know, try and appeal mate
  7. Don't think you will be haha
  8. Any ideas, i'm still getting problems?
  9. Thanks for the responses here are my settings, i have disconnected the controller and changed to keyboard only to try and get the problem rectified before adding the controller back. Thanks again. http://imgur.com/b97BYGP http://imgur.com/R4ycOv3 Just reset all settings and its still doing it really struggling on what to do here.
  10. Thanks for the responses appreciated. However it is still doing the same on a keyboard
  11. Hi, For some reason my in game play has change dramatically when im driving, if I as much as slightly touch the keyboard or analog stick on a controller, the steering makes the truck go all over the show in game. I have tried playing with the steering sensitivity and it is still the same. Do any of you have an idea on what could be the problem, it was running fine with no problems before this. Thanks Jamie
  12. Thanks for the reply mate, i use chrome. It also happens on a program called Kodi too.
  13. I have a dual screen pc, and if for example when i am playing ATS or ETS2 and i want to watch a stream/ video whilst playing the game it stutters. As soon as i click on the program or tab onto it, it does not lag. This is not just games that do it as i have tried playing a video whilst just using a browser and unless i'm, on that tab it lags/stutters. Does anybody have any Ideas that could possible help me as my computer has never done this before, Thanks in advance.
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