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Veteran Driver V
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Status Updates posted by 18Wheeler.

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                                                                                                         Brighter Futures 2021 Event, RLC Convoy.

  2. Thx For The Follow Nub @Idn360:kappa:

  3.                                                                                                 ICG July Convoy

                                                                    Last Month I Did CC For The ICG July Convoy, below you can find some pictures from the convoy. 











  4.                                                                                                              Warp Convoys July Convoy           

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                                                                                                                "ATS Drive From This Morning"

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    "Coastal Convoy - In Aid of RNLI"

  7.                                                                                                Prime Weekly Convoy #86 [Event Server]       spacer.pngspacer.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. .Pedro.
    3. B&Č Transport Creeper_jax

      B&Č Transport Creeper_jax

      Imagine parking in front of MAN Dealership with Dafs ?

    4. 18Wheeler.


      Imagine Being A Big Nub Cough Cough @B&Č Transport Creeper_jax:kappa:

  8.                                                                                      "B&C Transport 4yr Anniversary Convoy"

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  9.                                                                                                      "Food For Poor 2021 Event"spacer.png

  10.  A Few Pictures From Yesterday's Event Global Children Charity Convoy, Thank You To @KingstanisFor Organizing This Event And Letting Me Be Event Supervisor Which was something New I never done before in an event and i really enjoyed being A Event Supervisor and we can't forget about all the other event staff who helped with the event as cc or media, Lead/ Tail And The Event Management for Managing The Event.






  11.                                                                    Testing Experimental Beta 1.41 Aka  SCS Convoy Mode




  12. Thank You For The Follow @super37s? 


    Nice Convoy Today ?

  13. Thank You For The Follow @flowahh?

  14. Are You gonna Join Us For our next Rock n Roll Convoy Then Why Not Come and join all Information belowMvssF1L.png.39fadd7f37359abb43cd71f23f6a24a9.png

  15. Wow I Have Logged All Those Miles For Prime Logistics


    1. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Haha,Mine is similar to yours!?


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