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About NightShadOws

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  1. OK, thanks, I'll make a note of it next time if it happens to me again. Hello, I managed to solve my problem after 2 days but none of the solutions I was offered worked. The main thing is that I was finally able to solve my problem. Thanks to you
  2. none of this has worked for me
  3. none of this has worked for me
  4. Hello, I have been having this problem for the last week. There are people around me who have the same problem. It generally occurs in the following situations. I'm on Direct X 12 I haven't touched the multiplayer for 3 weeks and since yesterday I've had this error I'm not using the 3 functions below and I have my graphics card up to date as well as direct X no method works on the other hand, I have no worries of this kind when working solo -When you return to the game after alt tab -When you use the /disconnect command via chat -Discord push to talk button is pressed. I couldn't figure out why. Could you help?
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