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Veteran Driver V
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About ets2ol.com

  • Birthday 06/12/1999

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  • World Of Trucks

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  1. happy birthday and be safe 🍨

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  5. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  6. 1.39 is now supported
  7. v0.0.2 Change log Improve save speed
  8. 您可以在 Overwolf 的设置里,找到并设置 Trucky Overlay 即时回放保存的目录,如下图所示
  9. Thank you very much for your follow!?

  10. Hello there, Due to the UAC of the Win 10 system, you need to use an administrator to run the TruckersMP launcher. How to do it: >>>Right click TruckersMP launcher and run as administrator, it will be normal. Kind Regards, Roboter
  11. Hello there, You can accept jobs from >World Of Trucks<, almost all of Cargo have a blue countdown ( This countdown shows real life time! ), and then you can get very rich XP and gold coins after delivery. Kind Regards, Roboter
  12. ------- 联机插件小工具 ------- 继上次发布欧卡小程序(Trucky Overlay)的安装指南后,国内不少玩家已经开始使用Trucky,同时也收到了一些玩家反馈的BUG。 关于游戏内的Trucky地图BUG,目前仍在想办法修复中,还请耐心等待~ 本期指南给大家带来一个非常好用的联机插件小工具 FAQ:这个小工具有啥用? 不需要开任何加速器,也不需要开启任何程序,即可显著提升联机插件的下载和更新速度 适用于Win7/8/10 32/64bit系统 哇,这么好的工具哪来的? Roboter:咱自己编写的程序 ?下载地址? >>>https://Roboter.lanzous.com/ighMddxqxqb<<< ??使用方法?? 根据您的需求,选择相应模式进行加速 本工具仅加速联机插件的更新和下载,不提供游戏加速服务! 若选择使用此工具加速下载或更新联机插件,请勿开启任何加速器或代理软件! 模式区别: 模式一:此模式使用Cloudflare 优选CDN节点(联机插件所使用的CDN提供商) 由于联机插件使用的CDN为Cloudflare国际版,所以部分地区由于运营商限制,可能会出现下载慢、更新出错等情况,但此模式也是最长久稳定的模式 模式二:此模式使用社长君(@Roboter)的镜像服务器,国内大部分地区都可稳定高速下载 由于联机插件的更新时间存在不确定性,且联机插件刚刚更新后,CDN资源暂未刷新,所以在联机插件刚出更新的2分钟内,可能会出现下载比平常慢的情况,请耐心等待一段时间,再重试更新。若出现长时间更新不动的情况,请重新启动联机插件,并且在联机插件界面按F1,然后重新下载联机插件。 还原模式:关闭本工具提供的所有加速方式,选用联机插件默认节点更新或下载联机插件。 下期预告:[非官方小工具]本体&全套存档一键替换和一键打开飞行模式
  13. Hello there, If you are picking up Cargo from the WTO (World Of Trucks), no matter what kind of Cargo. Because the corresponding rules, the maximum speed of your truck will be limited to 90KM/H. Kind Regards, Roboter
  14. Hello there, If you are picking up Cargo from the WTO (World Of Trucks), no matter what kind of Cargo. Because the corresponding rules, the maximum speed of your truck will be limited to 90KM/H. In addition, if you want to pick up the same Cargo with your friends, you must be in the same place as your arriving friends, the same Cargo can only be seen in the same city and at the same time. Kind Regards, Roboter
  15. Hello there, I think is a bug, you should make a support ticket for this >>>https://truckersmp.com/support<<< Then I provide a temporary way : To download this file manually and put it in this directory Download Links: http://download.ets2mp.com/files/data/shared/ui/libs/capstone.png Directory: C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP\data\shared\ui\libs Kind Regards, Roboter
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