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Veteran Driver V
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Status Updates posted by Chubbywolf

  1. Hopefully everyone is having a good day!

  2. Hopefully everyone has a good day.

  3. Plugged my phone in this morning after work and it was supposed to charge today. Woke up enough to hear my alarm and it died. What a lovely day.

  4. Good morning, have a good day! Also make sure to leave some time to do some trucking of course!

    1. L-DR@GO


      Do have a great day too 👍

    2. Austin1203


      Good Morning:HaulieLove:

  5. Everyone have a goodnight.

  6. Good morning, have a good day everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      Good Meowing!

    3. 'MaRtY


      Have a good dayy:HaulieLove:

    4. Austin1203


      Good morning

  7. Congratulations 🎉 

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    1. Tuna


      Thanks thanks! 😊

  10. Hello everyone, hopefully everyone has a good day.

  11. How is everyone today?

    1. Fanatico


      I am fine! XD

    2. Bello QAQ

      Bello QAQ

      I think I'm fine, do you?

    3. 3749771


      I’m fine 🙂

  12. Good Evening Everyone!

    1. Poyraz


      Good evening! Chubbywolf

    2. 3749771


      Good Evening  🙂

  13. Good afternoon everyone!

  14. Good Morning

    1. Zenn.


      Good morning!  Have a good trip if you drive today! 👍

    2. 3749771


      Good Morning 🌄

  15. Good morning everyone!

    1. 3749771


      Hello!  Good morning ☕🌄




  16. Good morning/night everyone. Hope every has a great day!

  17. How is everyone today?

  18. Anyone want to do some trucking or something?


  19. Have recently returned to TMP and the ATS/ETS2 games. It has been fun and I am hoping that I can get into it and stay into it but when you truck by yourself I feel like you just get bored eventually. 

  20. Looking for some music suggestions, leave some below? Also how is everyone today?

    1. Vlossom


      This music is good. ?


  21. We all will love and miss you, Sana. May you Rest in Peace. ❤️

  22. How is everyone today?

    1. jorjito39


      Well, thanks for asking and you? ?

    2. AkiraKurosawa


      I'm fine and you. 

      By the way, congratulations and good luck.

    3. Chubbywolf
  23. Thank You, everyone, for the congratulations messages.

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