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Veteran Driver IV
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Status Updates posted by .James

  1. Well well well.. I've recently been exploring the Middle East in Promods 2.52 and managed to snag this lovely picture! 


    Happy Easter everyone! 



  2. Have a lovely relaxed weekend everyone, happy trucking! ???????qH38W53.png

    1. Guest


      Happy days ?

  3. I'm Driving in France this evening! ?? Managed to snag this lovely picture!


    1. Rescue193uk


      Looking good in that Outcast Transport VTC livery.  

  4. So, this evening I decided to clean the dust off of my Renault T and do a heavy haul in Italy! ?? 

    I hope everyone is having a lovely week! ? 


  5. So I had a lovely drive this evening with @Sharkie2405 in our new vans. We had some... very.. interesting encounters on the way but hey! We made it to Calais! 

    (P.S. ignore my registration plate ?)


  6. Good Evening! Hope everyone's week is going good so far! This evening I went on a lovely drive and bumped into @StateCA (NL)  on the C-D road! I quickly snagged a photo  when we arrived in Calais ?. Wishing you all a happy and joyful week! 


    Kind Regards,




  7. So it begins, the 24hr Charity Stream for 'Santerpaws Bulgarian Rescue' begins. Starting off on Promods until 5pm UTC and then attending the TMP Convoy this evening! Followed by other games ?  @Rescue193uk and @Sharkie2405 will be streaming the event. Then there's @TFM_Mikey and I who are tagging along.


    Enjoy your weekend everyone and happy trucking!



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