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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Onwexry

  • Birthday August 7

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  1. Happy Birthday, I wish you a nice day! 

  2. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  3. Happy Birthday! 

  4. Happy Birthday, i wish you a nice day! ❤️

  5. Thanks for the information and keeping us posted ?
  6. Happy Birthday! ??

  7. Hope you have a good time ?

    1. KhaosHammer


      Eheh, thank you! ?

  8. Happy birthday TMP ?
  9. Привет @nik2001 Посмотрите есть ли у вас профиль в С:/мой документы/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles Если в папке нету профиля то увы вам придётся создать новый профиль и начинать все с начало! Если у вас есть вопросы не стесняйтесь задайте! Или же обратитесь в тех поддержку TruckersMP - TruckersMP Support С уважением sQueaky
  10. Onwexry

    Help me

    Hello @Ladaminho In order to have a business 1)you need to transport expensive goods 2)You need to hire a driver with human resources After that, you will have a list of employees that you can choose by characteristics and hire them, then you will need to buy a truck so that they can earn a level. I warn you, you need to hire more drivers to earn more money. Well if you don't want to do all this you can just download a profile with already inflated levels and money. If you have a question or have a problem don't hesitate to ask Or contact technical support - TruckersMP Support With respect:Squeaky
  11. Hello @enfaks503425 Good day at the moment server Discord,Website,forum,Api at the moment, they do not respond well to requests. So you need to have a little patience to make everything work ? You can also monitor the status - TruckersMPStatus If you have a question or have a problem don't hesitate to ask Or contact technical support - TruckersMP Support With respect:Squeaky
  12. Здравствуйте @Andrei2010 в данный момент TruckerMP поддерживает только ProMods. Другие моды не поддерживается! Но вы можете скачать ProMods - Если у вас есть вопросы или вы нуждаетесь в помощи то не стесняйтесь обращайтесь С уважением sQueaky
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