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About Megastarr69

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  • Known languages
    Czech, English

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  1. Hello, I have a problem with ETSMP2, and I don't know what to do with it, so I am looking for help here. Also, I do not know how to specify this problem here is a link to screenshot: https://ctrlv.cz/nNyo
  2. yes, answered thanks
  3. cz: Dobrý den, mám problém s verzí, aktualizoval jsem si ETS2 na nejnovější verzi (1.35.x), zapl jsem TruckersMP a napsalo mi to že mám špatnou verzi a že to potřbuje, a i když jsem hru reinstaloval, dal na nížší verzi (1.34.x) a zpátky na nejnovější tak mi to přád hlásí to samé ENG: Hello I have a problem with the version, I updated ETS2 to the latest version (1.35.x), I turned on TruckersMP and wrote me that I have a bad version and that it needs, and even though I reinstalled the game, put on a lower version (1.34.x) and back to the latest so it tells me the same thing
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