Posts posted by P h o e n i x
There are two possibilities:
If you are using World of Trucks jobs (external cargo), that will enable a 90km/h limiter. There is no way to disable that limiter while having one of those jobs.
The 90km/h limiter might be enabled in the TruckersMP settings, these are the steps to check or disable/enable it:
In the game (not paused or in the menu):
- Press tab
- Right click
- Click the settings icon at the bottom of the player list
- Look for the option "Speed limiter" in the general settings and disable or enable it using the checkbox to the right of it
- Click apply
This can also be done from the login/server selection menu when you first start the game through TruckersMP, at the top right.
TruckersMP is a completely separate thing from Convoy - SCS's official multiplayer mode.
It can only be started through singleplayer on a profile without mods.
There are definitely some key differences between the two, just a few examples being:
- Many players in one server
- Specific mods that are usually guaranteed to work for all players
- Large-scale events
- Less players (8 now, more in the future) in a player's own hosted server
- AI Traffic
- (In the future) Mods of likely any type, but there likely won't be any guarantee on things working and the game not crashing
The locomotive is not banned from TruckersMP, it just has a low chance to be found on any of the cargo/freight markets.
Using a lowbed or lowloader owned trailer may increase your chances of finding one though!
Most of the players you see using this cargo have either generated the job using a program to modify their save file, or have manually modified their save file themselves.
Try sleeping in-game or quick travelling / teleport to service in-game, on TruckersMP, before generating/creating the job.
TruckersMP synchronizes game time once you're connected to the server, so the job is likely expiring in game time when you connect to the server.
I definitely recommend logging into TruckersMP first and then either sleeping in-game (whether fatigue is on or not), or teleporting between garages/to a service station, so that your game is synchronized with the server's time, and that way the game will generate the jobs in the job market at the right time, and then making/selecting a job.
The problem usually comes from the job expiring (since they all expire after a certain amount of time), and it almost inevitably happens when you log into TruckersMP.
Of course, the developers have done their best to solve the issues with the job markets, but the synchronizing of time will always affect the job market in some way.
Check the game log file (in the Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder) or the in-game console right after loading the save, it's very likely something in the save file isn't right by the game's consideration, and it will tell you that it reverted to a previous save, and will even tell you which line the issue is on.
There's a few discord servers out there that focus on local mods, while I can't give you invites to them there's plenty enough public ones that you should be able to find at least one of them without issue.
I personally recommend using ALM, it's a pretty new program that makes it incredibly easy to install some of the local mods.
That being said, there will be bugs and it doesn't work with all local mods. You will also have to join their discord to get the local mods that work with the program.
UPDATE 8/8/2021: The newest version of ALM works with all local mods now
Otherwise, for other local mods that don't work with that program, this guide will help: (just part 3/4 if you aren't intending to make your own)
Most of the manually installed local mods will have a useful readme text file.
This may solve your problem:
- Go into your Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder in your Documents and if you want to prevent loss from going back, backup your profiles folder (copy it then paste it to another folder).
- Look for the version 1.40 profile backups, preferably the newest ones that are version 1.40.
- Copy the profile you want from the 1.40 backups (or all, if you would prefer that/only have one) into your profiles folder - not into any other backups folder.
- Launch ETS2, and you should have an older copy of your profile in ETS2, compatible with 1.40.
It will be released once it's ready, unfortunately some updates can change a lot in the game so it may take a while for the TruckersMP developers to make all the necessary changes.
Suggestion Name: More speed limiter options in the settings
Suggestion Description: We all know there is the option to enable/disable the 90km/h (ETS2), 65 MPH (ATS) limiter in the TruckersMP settings, this would be to add a drop down list to select some more options for speed. For ETS2, the options could (for example) be 80km/h, 85km/h, 90km/h, 100km/h, 110km/h. For ATS, the options could be for example 60mph, 62mph (this is a common speed for some of the biggest trucking companies in the US), 65mph, 70mph, 72mph, 75mph, 80mph.
Any example images:
SpoilerWhy should it be added?: This would be useful both for people who would prefer a lower/higher limiter, or when the alternating vehicles are a type of vehicle that would have a different limiter (e.g. buses, as we have seen a few times now!). Also, this would not affect the overall maximum speed limiter of 110km/h (ETS2), 80mph (ATS), and of course shouldn't affect World of Trucks jobs.
In 1.41, SCS changed the debug teleport key to CTRL + F9, to avoid conflict with the key that opens the official multiplayer chat being set to F9.
Save edited license plates will not cause lag, and it is completely allowed!
The current rules about save editing only specify that the save editing can't cause lag, crashes, and must be appropriate in general.
Just don't write anything against the rules on the plate. (E.g. Swears, "Police", etc).
Rules of interest: §3 §1.5, §1.6, §1.7
In addition - Your plate is completely fine to use, just for a bit of information though there is a limit as to how long the line of code for the plate can be, it might appear one way client-side but a different way for other people.
Deleting your account does not remove your ban history, that is something that will always be saved by TruckersMP. But yes, you can delete your account regardless of what bans are on it.
If you delete your account you cannot make a new account for 14 days.
Also, you cannot make a new, separate account (e.g. using a different Steam account) to play because that will be ban evading, which is against the rules.
§1.2 - Ban Evading - PERMANENT BAN
Creating or using another account to get around a temporary or permanent ban. Attempting to remove ban evidence to get out of a ban. If the evidence points that you have evaded a ban, staff reserve the right to ban you again without notification. Evidence for ban evading cannot be disclosed due to it containing confidential server-side information.
Here's an article about what will be deleted, and what will not be deleted if you delete your account:
If the only .mat files that you are seeing are in the font folder, then it is very likely that the extractor has either failed to finish, or simply hasn't yet finished. It will close itself once it's finished, and that may take a while depending on your system. So I recommend you extract the base.scs file again.
Also - Make sure you are using the official scs file extractor, normal file extractors like 7-zip or winrar may fail to extract it or not extract everything.
You can get it here:
Just copy the base.scs file to a different folder with the extractor in it, then drag and drop the base.scs file onto the extractor and it will extract the files.
Once you find the .mat file you are looking for, you will have to change the width and height of it in the license plate - that will take some time.
Also keep in mind, using any of the .mat files outside of material/ui/ will most likely crash the game. It won't break anything and it will not corrupt the save, but I say this to save you time when looking through and trying the files.
This might mean your CPU is overheating, because TruckersMP tends to be very CPU intensive while most games now are very GPU intensive.
I recommend you could try to watch the CPU temperature and see if it's getting hot over 90° C while playing TruckersMP.
It is planned for avatars to come back, however they most likely won't come back using the Steam avatars, and it isn't publicly known when.
They were meant to come back after a relatively short period of time, but other things have likely gotten in the way since then.
You should make two separate reports (one for each player) at, as posts on the forum cannot be used to ban players.
Keep in mind, to report using the report system you must:
1. Report within 14 days of the rules being broken
2. Make sure the evidence stays available for the length of the ban, plus 30 days. (If its a permanent ban, then it must stay available for theoretically forever.)
You can see some other specific rules about the reporting system here in section 1.4:
People do legitimately record to make reports, but there are also people who say "rec" just to scare.
Also, not every recording is then put to a report, some people will review their recording after and decide if they should make a report from it afterwards.
Unfortunately there's no way to tell if someone reports you on the web, unless you end up with a ban.
It's easiest to view if you have received a ban on your profile (, or by logging into the TruckersMP client.
And keep in mind that if you do get banned, you can make an appeal here:
You should keep the evidence, because it is still required for you to keep it.
Even if they decide to reinstate their account for some reason, the ban will still be there, so you want the evidence to remain.
You can see about this in rule 1.4: (
§1.4 - Reporting users
The evidence you provide us must be available for the length of the ban applied, plus thirty days. Evidence for permanent bans must be available forever.
You can also read more about reporting users here:
I think this is a good idea, but I also think that there is the potential for traffic to back up really far down the motorway from Calais because there is almost always more people leaving Calais than entering, because it has a port/ferry that connects to the UK.
In that sort of case, we'd have another Europoort (or for players who haven't played in 2014/2015, Paris when there's been WOT events there) situation.
The other problem it can cause is that the majority of the traffic coming from Calais (rather than from the C-D road, as some people coming from the C-D are going to the eurotunnel or further into France) is going to take the next left turn, and that is only one lane. So I think there is the potential for that by itself to cause a jam (backing up into the intersection where a light could be placed) when players try to merge after going full speed from the light to find a space to merge. (In fact, it already happens even without a light)
Of course, there would only be one way to really see if it would work or be beneficial.
You're pretty far forwards in the parking area, the game usually shifts the truck slightly (barely even noticeably) forward from the trailer when you detach it so this could be causing the issue, since the TruckersMP client will be thinking you're moving when you actually aren't.
I've had the issue myself, and I solved it by parking further back into the parking area. It only happens with specific truck+trailer combinations, normally.
Of course, still a bug because it shouldn't be an issue.
Unfortunately, the only options available to you right now are to either wait for TruckersMP to update to support version 1.40, or to start a new profile on 1.39.
Currently, it is unknown if there is an exact date for the release of the update to support 1.40, but based on information given in the forum article I will link below we may be able to expect it before the end of the month.
The server instability lately is due to the server provider that TruckersMP currently uses.
The provider (OVH) had a fire some weeks back, and are still working on their systems to restore stability for their customers.
As of right now, Sim 1 is the most affected server, Sim 2 seems to be performing much more stable so if you continue to have problems on Sim 1 then I recommend using Sim 2 instead.
14 hours ago, hjvg said:
hmm tmp was downloading a update for ets and ats but no patch notes here yet
(also no support of 1.40) but wat was changed?I don't think anything was publicly changed, however they added a GWEN license text file (A GUI toolkit made by Garry Newman, it's an abandoned project left open on GitHub, but that certainly doesn't make it bad), and there's a couple .gwen files in some of the TruckersMP files. (%ProgramData%/TruckersMP/) The two files just appear to be default files that come with the toolkit.
Maybe we'll be seeing a GUI rework on TruckersMP, or maybe it's for internal (staff only) tools, or just being tested. Maybe it wasn't even meant to be pushed in an update.
Promods Canada not in-game
in Unsolved Topics
You don't have all the files needed, when downloading promods you first generate the def file in a new tab, then on the original tab you click "go to step 2" and download the other necessary file.