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P h o e n i x

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  • Birthday 10/15/2001

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  1. This tachograph model is still in the TMP files (can be found at "%programdata%/TruckersMP/data/ets2/mods/tachograph.ets2mp", just extract it like any normal archive) but not loaded with the game...local accessory editing of course makes it possible to load it once you've got all the files set up...qj7xDkz.jpg
    I'm not entirely sure why they haven't implemented a feature with it or removed it from the files after all this time, it looks to have been at least partially functioning at some point.


    The file isn't even "within TMP standards" anymore, its a .ets2mp named file extension unlike the .mp file extension they've been using for years and years now. (Of course, it makes no difference as they're all archives..but that does in fact show how long its been there.)


    There's also an old dolly model, presumably from when TMP was messing around with the idea of making their own double trailers before SCS had came out with their own. Used to be able to partially use it in-game but you wouldn't be able to enter the menus without crashing, and now its no longer possible to use it (autokick by server).

    1. Paddy.


      I think that one of the interesting things with the tacograph is that is ended up being amalgamated with the Route Advisor (ie, when you had a rest penalty, it'd show up there in real time, versus you being inspected).


      With other projects like FMOD and modelling other trucks like the Mack Anthem, it's possible that this is just on the perpetual backburner. A shame, because I imagine it would have been fun to play around with, from seeing how it actually functioned, to finding out how the game would penalize you for malicious misuse.


      Thanks for showing us this. Interesting little venture.

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