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P h o e n i x

Retired Team Member
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About P h o e n i x

  • Birthday 10/15/2001

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Preferred Trucks
    Freightliner Cascadia®
    Western Star
  • American Garage Location
    (PM) British Columbia: Vancouver
  • EU Garage Location
    (PM) Norway: Lillehammer
  • Known languages
    English, Small amount of various others

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  • World Of Trucks

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Community Answers

  1. The files you are looking for should be at \AppData\Roaming\TruckersMP\installation\data
  2. I don't have an exact date/time to guarantee, but last time it was disabled on March 20th as that's the official end of winter for some of the world.
  3. Normally winter mod starts to be supported in late December (usually around 20th-24th), however keep in mind the mod is made by a separate person and its possible for a game update or DLC release to delay its support. The winter mod being disabled tends to happen at different dates, but normally its enabled for a few months depending on game updates and the mod being kept up to date with game versions. Currently, the winter mod does not support 1.53 yet, but as soon as it becomes possible to use on TruckersMP you will see announcements on the forum/website and in the official Discord, as well as a knowledge base article on how to install it.
  4. Happy birthday. Bigfan :HaulieLove:🎂

  5. In my experience, the majority of crashes (aside from actual mistakes) are caused by people attempting to overtake at the absolute worst times possible (85% of which is on the C-D road), regardless of what speed the truck (or trucks...) ahead of them is going or if there's even a truck coming the other way. 100kmh isn't enough for some people, it's all about "getting the overtake" for them regardless of how little sense it might make. Behind that, its people who do full speed around every corner and expect the truck or car to just not have any issues and as such aren't even prepared for what happens. As for people doing the speed limits, it can't be considered reckless driving because its the actions of other players around them (such as doing 110kmh on a 60kmh road and overtaking at inappropriate times) that are reckless. If they only do 60kmh when there's people behind them and speed up as the other players try to pass, then its considered blocking. With the people who don't go at green lights...I suppose that's where the game gets a little too realistic Keep in mind, everyone enjoys games in different ways and changing the way players drive would never fix the C-D road
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