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Veteran Driver VII
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About $tonedGuy

  • Birthday 03/15/1984

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Supposed to be added when Scandinavian DLC out.
  3. well still those few ppl using the mod are making the majority having troubles with lags/freez :/
  4. Suggestion Name: Disable Mods Suggestion Description: Disable light Mod, All the Mods that change your trailer Any example images: No Why should it be added?: To get ride of the crashes / lags / freezes occured by those Mods.
  5. Amen
  6. +1 and also i'm sure that people are using sms chat way in game,
  7. Why should it be disabled from the entire mod ? if u don't want it u can fix it on ur graphic settings
  8. people can abuse the reports and make fake ones -1. U just need 5 friends ( 5 guys from same company to decide to fake a report for "having fun" and u got ppl gettin' kicked for nothin' )
  9. it seems report command bugs time to time with the new patch, happened to me also.
  10. it happens also when someone is loading the game
  11. Thx for the info, i'll take a look again on the settings cause i didn't find it there.
  12. Is there any way to disable the autosave ? it kinda adds some freeze atleast for me whenever it autosaves i get a 1 sec freez
  13. Yez plz ,dictionary + translator + rollin' papers while u there ( Ocb plz )
  14. Can u guyz try to be a little bit realistic, the staff has tons of work to deal with, SCS comin' out with new patches kinda every month + the tons of bugs that still not fixed .W/o mentionin' that they have to deal also with ppl ingame. Do u really think that they will have time for that. Before sayin' "Oh it's a suggestion blahblahblah", i call this a useless suggestion that gona bring whiners in few months when nothin' is done about this topic with stuff like " ADMINS don't care about the suggestions we do blehblehblehbleh" . Atleast when u gona make a suggestion try to think twice.
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