Posts posted by Broker
Yeah, now we just need to find them and ban ban ban
In my opinion English has to be main language here, because its international and every human should know it, if they want to hang out here.
Sounds great!
All good I changed my email and activation key has arrived
I resend activation mail manually, please go trhu your whole mail, including spam etc,
Nope nothing
can you maybe resend to my other email because I don't know this isn't working or what is problem I don't know.
I got problems with activation in my email the Activation letter simply isn't arriving,.
It keeps saying:
''Your account is not activated yet. If you don't have activation message click ''here'' to resend it.'' I resend it three times but nothing happening can you check it please.
With all regards Broker.
Police & Public Car Update Info
in News Archive
Well finally there will be Semir Gerkhan patrolling the roads