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Veteran Driver V
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About zenophiba

  • Birthday 08/02/1997

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Oregon: Ontario
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Nice
  • Known languages
    English, French and Arabic

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Happy Birthday, have a nice day! ❤️

  3. How is this needed? We already have blips for players which is more than enough. It won't make any difference to have a custom blip for the Skoda, if you hate it so much, make a suggestion that it should be limited or removed, this way we rid ourselves of the Skoda reckless drivers. Either way, the GPS is used for directions. The addition of blips that we currently have is a generous subtle touch to alert us of the presence of players in the proximity so we don't make a mess crashing into each other at every other turn and corner even though we should use our mirrors and instinct rather than the GPS. Don't ruin it.
  4. Include the option to disable VTC advertisements in the settings just for personal preference. This way whoever doesn't like them can simply turn them off.
  5. The Gods of TruckersMP favor me, thus I'm here to win.
  6. Having multiple accounts is not against the rules as long as you're not ban evading. However, assuming a rule is broken for the sake of instance, your accounts will be treated as one. If someone else uses your account and breaks a rule, despite who the person is, the account itself will be responsible for it, even if it's yours. For further information check out this topic.
  7. Alas, it's almost finally released.
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