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About CagriTR4

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Bakersfield
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages
    Turkish, English, Little German

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  1. Zihinleri kontrol etmeyi isterdim. Hayattan ne kadar keyif alıyorsun?
  2. Thanks for the following 🤩

  3. It is a road that takes up a lot of admins' time. No matter how much fun we have had with it, it would be better if the road does not come back into the game right now.
  4. I agree with you. No collison required to the area in the image
  5. Is the game freezing or is it really having a bad connection or is there a problem with the synchronization between it and the server? Realy weird
  6. Congratulations Sir

  7. Congratulations Sir

    1. CagriTR4


      It was a little late 😁



      No problem, thank you :truestory:

  8. Congratulations Sir

    1. Gunner_TMP


      Thank you!:HaulieLove:

  9. Kısmende olsa evet memnunum. Truckersmp kayıt olduğundan beri hangi marka tırı çok fazla kullanmışsındır?
  10. Selamlar herkese, uzun sürenin ardından yeni contentler ile karşınızdayım. Bugün itibariyle yeni kanalda başladım. Abone olarak destek vermeyi unutmayın. Seriyi kariyer modunda 50 araçlık bir filoya ulaştığında bitireceğim. Teşekkürler Kanalımın linki
  11. I don't even give a chance to those who respond to a warning with swearing or hitting.
  12. Congratulations

    1. Cosmic Kishiro

      Cosmic Kishiro

      Thank you ^^

  13. Congratulations

    1. Maupassant


      Thank you🙂

  14. Congratulationsimage.png.5199b6e9677f560e42cac69d82572ee8.png

    1. Poyraz


      Thank you :HaulieLove: I liked your ss btw 😂

  15. Because of the trolls, my enjoyment of the game is spoiled and the result ends with a report.
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