Community Answers
Linciano's post in USER NAME WRONG was marked as the answer
Hello there!
It is perfectly fine to use greek letters within Usernames.
Therefore the "ψ" in your Name are allowed.
Thank you for checking!
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support Manager
Linciano's post in Report users who violated laws was marked as the answer
Hello there!
Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply.
Because of inactivity, I will have to move this Topic to Inactive Topics.
If you still have Questions and want your Topic to be reopened, feel free to message me or our Support Team members, we will open this Topic again.
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
//locked and moved to Inactive Topics.
Linciano's post in I can't find this player was marked as the answer
Hello there!
Please see this Guide:
It explains really well how to find Player's TruckersMP IDs, even after they have left the Game.
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in Fatal Error unsupported game version... was marked as the answer
Hello there!
You seem to have a really, really old Version of our Launcher, that is not how it looks nowadays.
Please completely uninstall it and download it again from our Website:
After you have installed it, the Launcher should look like this:
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in PILOT - ETS2 was marked as the answer
Hello there!
Please make sure that you are not using any Police Accessories on your Car.
Because Police parts can only be used by Game Moderators or Upper Staff, Players will get kicked for using them.
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in Kicked for no reason! was marked as the answer
Hello there!
First of all, Thank you for creating a Topic on our Forums.
I am sorry to hear that you've got kicked, but unfortunately we have some issues with the Gameservers today, as you can read in this Announcement:
We are sorry for any inconveniences and Thank you for Understanding.
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in Launcher Startet nicht was marked as the answer
Hallo @DerDraffi
Zunächst vielen Dank, dass du einen Beitrag im Forum erstellt hast.
Um auf unseren Servern spielen zu können, musst du von allen Betas auf Steam abgemeldet sein.
Also muss "KEINE - von allen Beta Programmen abmelden" bei Steam ausgewählt sein.
Warte dann auf den Download und starte Steam anschließend neu.
Versuche dann erneut TruckersMP zu starten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in No time remaining when starting a delivery was marked as the answer
Hello there!
It is not recommended to do Quick Jobs in Multiplayer at all.
While the time in your Game only passes when you play, the Time on the Server continues to run 24/7.
So when you start your Game and take a Quick Job, it connects you to the Server after the Job has been accepted. Then your ingame Time will keep up with the Server time, which makes your delivery be hours, days or even weeks too late.
So, please play some more in Singleplayer, until you can buy your own Truck, or take an ingame Loan in order to buy a Truck.
Once you can take Freight Market jobs, this issue won't appear anymore.
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in Problem with double and scandinavia trailers for all countries in Mp was marked as the answer
Hello @Reiben
First of all, Thank you for creating a Topic in the Help Section.
The following Guide might have a Solution to your Question:
I hope this helps
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in Patron Name Colour was marked as the answer
Unfortunately i have to tell you, that it is not possible to change the colour of your Name.
As Patreon, your Name is golden, as Support it's Pink and as Game Moderator it's red, for example.
I hope this answers your Question, please let us know!
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in MP funktioniert nicht was marked as the answer
Hallo @(GER)zockakev97
Zunächst vielen Dank, dass du einen Beitrag im Forum erstellt hast.
Wenn du auf Steam von allen Beta Programmen abgemeldet bist und auch keine Downloads von ETS2 mehr ausstehen, versuche bitte Folgendes:
Schritt 1
Öffne Steam und gehe in deine Bibliothek -> Spiele Mache einen Rechtsklick auf ETS 2 und öffne die Eigenschaften Gehe in den Eigenschaften auf “LOKALE DATEIEN” und klicke auf “LOKALE DATEIEN DURCHSUCHEN… Ein Ordner mit Spieldateien wird sich öffnen. Kopiere dir den Dateipfad des Ordners. Schritt 2
Klicke Start -> Ausführen (oder WIN+R) Gebe “regedit” ein und drücke enter Folge dem Pfad “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TRUCKERSMP Schaue auf den Parameter “InstallLocationETS” Schritt 3
Ändere den Parameter “InstallLocationETS” (Füge die kopierte Adresse des Ordners ein) Klicke OK.
Bitte lass uns wissen, ob das funktioniert hat.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in TMP Launcher Error was marked as the answer
Hello @[LKW Tr.] Supreme [DM]
First of all, Thank you for creating a Topic on the Forums.
In order to fix your issue, please try to start TruckersMP as Administrator.
To do so, rightclick the TMP icon and choose "run as Administrator..."
If that doesn't work, please restart your PC and start TMP as Admin afterwards.
Please let us know if it worked!
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in Pause Glitch was marked as the answer
Hello there!
First of all, Thank you for creating a Topic on the Help Section.
This is a known issue since the new Update. Our Team is aware and working on a Solution, so please bear with us.
In the meantime, use the chat command "/fix" if you're damaged or load an older Save if you crashed.
Thank you for understanding!
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in log_spawning error occurred was marked as the answer
Hello there!
We are glad to hear, that your Problem has been solved.
A huge Thanks to @FernandoCR [ESP], for helping!
If you require more help in the future, please feel free to create another Topic or a Support Ticket.
Have a nice day!
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
//Locked and moved to Solved
Linciano's post in Does the extended map in the ProMods server allow the use of dual trailers? was marked as the answer
Hello @Lamborghini Veneno
First of all, Thank you for creating a Topic in the Help section!
It is allowed to take double trailers anywhere on the Map. Base map as well as ProMods map, there are no restrictions. However, Triple Trailers are not allowed at all.
I hope this answers your question!
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in ATS MP can not see the posts was marked as the answer
Hello @FirstPlayer
First of all Thank you for creating a topic in the Help Section.
I would like to ask you to start your Game with DirectX9.
To do so, please follow these steps:
-Go to your Steam library
-Click Play on ETS2
-In this gray Window opening, choose "DirectX9 (64bit)" and start the Game
- Press Drive, save the game and close it again
- Now try to start TruckersMP and see, if this issue still persists.
Hope this helps!
Kind regards
TruckersMP Support
Linciano's post in 110 kmh speed limiter was marked as the answer
Hello @PapaJoint
The Simulation 2 Server is supposed to be limited to 110 kph, just like the Simulation 1 Server.
If you want to drive faster though, you need to join the Arcade Servers, those are not limited
Kind regards
TruckersMP Trial Support
Linciano's post in Can't acess more of left bottom corner map was marked as the answer
Hello @Chacalize
First of all, Thank you for creating a topic on the Help section!
In order to access Jerusalem and other cities / countries in that area, you need to download ProMods' "Middle East Add-on".
That Add-on adds this extra part of the map. You can download it on the same side as ProMods itself:
Hope this helps
Kind regards
TruckersMP Trial Support
Linciano's post in Game crash after i start ProMods 1 and 2 Server, please help was marked as the answer
Hello @Cobra1994
first of all, Thank you for creating this Topic
Please mind, that you need to own all ETS2 Map DLCs in order to use ProMods.
Unfortunately, there is no other way around this requirement.
Please check if you own all Map DLCs and that you have them linked with your TruckersMP Account.
Kind regards
TruckersMP Trial Support
Linciano's post in Always late???! was marked as the answer
Hey @NuHaNoViCh
When you start the Game first, you aren't logged onto the TMP Servers until you press drive or accept a Quick job.
But other than for your game, the time on the TMP Servers keeps running, so on the Server it's several days or weeks later than for your own game and once you join the Servers, your game will take over the Server's time. That's why your job is too late.
It is not recommended to do Quick Jobs in Multiplayer, you should either take a loan and buy your own Truck or play a bit more in Singleplayer, earn money that way and buy a Truck then.
Once you can take Jobs from the Freight Market the "Late delivery issue" will be gone
Hope this helps
Kind regards
TruckersMP Trial Support
Linciano's post in You are using an invalid client. You should redownload the mod through the launcher. was marked as the answer
Hello @Nigtwish
Unfortunately there are some issues with the Game Servers at the moment!
But the Devs are aware of the problem and working on a fix as soon as possible.
Please be patient
Kind regards
Linciano's post in ATS can not accss Steam client was marked as the answer
Hello @Nigtwish
Please try to open Steam and the TruckersMP Launcher as Administrator.
To do so, rightclick the Icon on your Desktop (or wherever) and choose "Run as Administrator".
Let us know if it helped!
Kind regards
Linciano's post in What is the difference between reporting a player ingame or on the website? was marked as the answer
Hello @sideways
With your assumption you're already right
When you press the Report Button ingame, an online Game Moderator will get a Notification and have a look at the Situation if he's available. If there are no Moderators available, the ingame Report is most likely going to time out and no actions will be taken.
On the other hand, when filing a Website report, you'll need to have sufficient (Video) evidence of the Incident. But you can be assured, that the Report will be looked at and actions will be taken if needed.
I hope this short summary kind of answers your questions
Kind regards
Linciano's post in Banned was marked as the answer
Hello @Mentor0514
Let me quote the Ingame rules of TruckersMP for you:
"§2.4 - Incorrect Way / Inappropriate Overtaking*
Driving the incorrect way down a road. Overtaking or undertaking another player in an area of extremely low FPS and/or in areas with large amounts of traffic, overtaking resulting in an accident or anything similar. This also includes overtaking on any one-lane in each direction road where there is excessive traffic such as a traffic jam. Areas with a large amount of traffic are considered to be 25+ players."
So basically, inappropriate Overtaking means; overtaking other players in dangerous places or where overtaking breaks traffic and/or TMP laws and rules.
Hope this helps
Kind regards