For example:-
Suggestion Name:
Labeling players on days they are members
Suggestion Description:
The idea is to give some kind of label to a player that is a member for less than 15 days (time period subject to discussion) to warn other people about a new driver in the area. This wouldn't change the report system, so If one of them is reported, the same rules would apply like any other player. The label could be on the name tag before the nickname like " new driver<Nickname>" or maybe a sticker on the truck (or something else concluded in the discussion). The time period should be such new drivers have the time to addapt but if they are just trollers would be quickly noticed.
Any example images: None
Why should it be added?:
Lately I've been collecting information about the players I've reported and figured out the most of the events that leaded to a ban happened less than about 15 days after the day they become members, so this mistakes mostly likely happened because of their unexperience, so adding this kind of label, people around would be warned about an unexperienced driver nearby and be more careful that these players are more likely to make mistakes. Also I've noticed on the "Road to Simulation #3" post, it was stated all players would have a week to addapt to the new rules, but people that are new players (it's kinda new rules for them) don't have this kind of addapting time. Giving an example: yesterday the situation was, the player drove on the wrong way and rammed me on a highway, I would report him but I figured out he was member since a few hours ago, this was probably his/her first crash, and also It was in the UK. Using this label would let them addapt more easily.