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Veteran Driver III
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About Bonkersmad1238

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  1. atm its still broken ive tried all solutions kien gang gave me and still doensnt work
  2. apparently im not admin
  3. is this internet speed fast enough I have just tried verifying the integrity and it didn't work and I have already tried restarting my pc and ending all ats/ets2 processes that didn't work either also I don't like using VPNs
  4. truckersmp is in my antivirus exception list
  5. @[ETS2MCG] Kien Giang that wiki no longer exists and @Jamie R I tried and still doesn't work
  6. I don't have truckersmp folder r in %appdata% is that normal?
  7. I recently wanted to hop back onto truckers mp but I get this error when I try and launch it, I have tried deleting core_ets2mp.dll and core_atsmp.dll and they haven't reinstalled when I reinstalled the launcher, I have no clue of what to do can someone please help me so I can start trucking again.
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